


Is there a way to do a non-zero bit string test without hard-coding the bit string width of 0?


For example, suppose I have two tables, Users and Features, each with masks, I want to test this:

SELECT u.name FROM Users u, Features f
  WHERE u.mask & f.mask;

匹配隐式非零结果。但是,SQL要求 WHERE 的显式布尔结果,而不是隐式强制转换,例如:

matching implicit non-zero results. However, SQL requires an explicit boolean result for WHERE as opposed to an implicit cast, such as this:

SELECT u.name FROM Users u, Features f
  WHERE (u.mask & f.mask) != 0::BIT(2048);

我不想硬编码 2048 (或其他任何原因)。

I don't want to hardcode 2048 (or whatever) in this query for a number of reasons.

测试 expr = 0 expr> 0 会导致类型错误。奇怪的是,我可以测试 expr = 0 :: BIT(1),但这给出了错误的答案,因为Postgres并不认为所有的全零位字符串都相等。 / p>

Testing expr = 0 or expr > 0 results in a type error. Oddly, I can test expr = 0::BIT(1), but that gives the wrong answer because Postgres does not consider all all-zero bit strings to be equal.

select 0::BIT(2) > 0::BIT(1);
(1 row)


I can create a calculated zero by doing this:

SELECT u.name FROM Users u, Features f
  WHERE (u.mask & f.mask) != (u.mask & ~u.mask);


Which works but feels like an awful hack.




I benchmarked several options provided below. Thanks for the suggestions, Erwin!


Based on a very large data set and 100,000 queries, I found the following constructs resulted in the associated queries per second. Hopefully someone from the Postgres team sees this and provides a generic 0 to speed things up! Unfortunately most generic approaches seem to incur a string conversion which is quite expensive.

Constructs                              |  Queries / s
(u.mask & f.mask) <> 0::BIT(2048)       |  158
(u.mask & f.mask) <> (u.mask # u.mask)  |  135
(u.mask & f.mask) <> (u.mask & ~u.mask) |  125
position('1' IN (u.mask & f.mask)) > 0  |   37
(u.mask & f.mask)::TEXT !~ '^0+$'       |   27



要排除返回由零组成的位串,但长度可能会改变( B'000 ...'),则可以使用强制转换为整数(最多 bit(32))或 bigint (最多 bit(64)):

Short bitstring

To exclude cases where the bitwise AND (&) returns a bitstring consisting of nothing but zeros, but the length might change (B'000...'), you can use a cast to integer (up to bit(32)) or bigint (up to bit(64)):

SELECT u.name
FROM   users u
JOIN   features f ON (u.mask & f.mask)::int <> 0;

当转换为整数时,它们全部导致 0

这也排除其中任一列为 NULL 的情况。换句话说,结果必须包含至少一个 1

When cast to integer, all of them result in 0.
This also excludes cases where either of the columns is NULL. In other words, the result has to include at least one 1.

如果您的值可以大于64位,则可以强制转换为 text 并使用正则表达式进行检查:

If your values can be longer than 64 bit, you could cast to text and check with a regular expression:

ON (u.mask & f.mask)::text !~ '^0+$'


^ ..字符串的开头

0 + ..一个或多个'0'

$ ..字符串结尾

^ .. beginning of string
0+ .. one or more '0'
$ .. end of string



ON position('1' IN (u.mask & f.mask)) > 0


08-04 14:28