

我试图为dc.js示例之一创建一个jsfiddle。我无法使用URL和 d3.csv()加载外部文件。

I am trying to create a jsfiddle for one of the dc.js examples. I am not able to load an external file using a URL and d3.csv().

有人可以建议如何使用jsfiddle中的 d3.csv 加载csv文件。

Can someone please suggest how to load a csv file using d3.csv in jsfiddle.



The approach I usually use for CSV data in JSFiddle examples is

a。将数据放在HTML标记结尾的< pre> 块中,通常使用iddata。

a. Put the data in a <pre> block at the end of the HTML mark-up, usually with the id "data".

b。将 pre {display:none;} 添加到CSS。

b. Add pre {display:none;} to the CSS.

c。用 d3.csv.parse(text)调用替换 d3.csv(filename,callback)使用< pre> 块的文本内容作为解析函数的输入。

c. Replace the d3.csv(filename, callback) function call with a d3.csv.parse(text) call, using the text content of the <pre> block as the input to the parse function.


Because the parse function doesn't use a callback, it just returns the data array, you need to save that output in a variable of the same name as your callback data parameter.


d3.csv("data.csv", function(error, data) {

   if(error){console.log("Could not read " + "data.csv");

   /* Do something with `data` here */



The JSFiddle-friendly version would look like:

//d3.csv("data.csv", function(error, data) {

//   if(error){console.log("Could not read " + "data.csv");

var data = d3.csv.parse( d3.select("pre#data").text() );

   /* Do something with `data` here */


如果你想拥有一个使用文件读取方法的完整工作示例,其他选项在评论中提到。 还允许外部数据文件。

If you would rather have a full working example that uses the file-reading methods as intended, there are other options as mentioned in the comments. Tributary also allows external data files I think.


08-04 06:34