本文介绍了将文本调整为矩形在Canvas HTML5中调整大小的处理方法,对大家解决问题具有一定的参考价值,需要的朋友们下面随着小编来一起学习吧!


我是Canvas的新手,我正在创建一个网站来在调整矩形大小时增加文本.实际上,我只想按矩形的宽度(向左/向右拉伸)来调整矩形的大小,则仅应增加文本宽度而不是fontsize.我已经完成了fontsize,但是在增加孤立的Text Height和Width时遇到了困难.欢迎您提出建议

I am new to Canvas, I am creating a website to increase text as I re-sizes rectangle.I tried so much but nothing works for me. Actually I want if I re size rectangle just by its width( stretch To Left /To Right), only text width should be increased not the fontsize. I have done with fontsize but finding difficulty in increasing isolated Text Height and Width. your suggestions are most welcome

function Box2() {
        this.x = 0;
        this.y = 0;
        this.w = 1; // default width and height?
        this.h = 1;
        this.fill = '#CC0000';
        this.Owntext = "";
        this.fontsize = '20';
        this.TextColor = '';
        this.TextFontFamily = '';
        this.Angle = 0;
        this.ScaleHeight = 1;
        this.ScaleWidth = 1;

    // New methods on the Box class
    Box2.prototype = {
        // we used to have a solo draw function
        // but now each box is responsible for its own drawing
        // mainDraw() will call this with the normal canvas
        // myDown will call this with the ghost canvas with 'black'
        draw: function (context, optionalColor) {
            if (context === gctx) {
                context.fillStyle = 'black'; // always want black for the ghost canvas
            } else {
                context.fillStyle = this.fill;
       //     alert('Box2.prototype');
            // We can skip the drawing of elements that have moved off the screen:
            if (this.x > WIDTH || this.y > HEIGHT) return;
            if (this.x + this.w < 0 || this.y + this.h < 0) return;

            context.fillRect(this.x, this.y, this.w, this.h);

            // draw selection
            // this is a stroke along the box and also 8 new selection handles
            if (mySel === this) {
                context.strokeStyle = mySelColor;
                context.lineWidth = mySelWidth;
                context.strokeRect(this.x, this.y, this.w, this.h);

                // draw the boxes

                var half = mySelBoxSize / 2;

                // 0  1  2
                // 3     4
                // 5  6  7

                // top left, middle, right
                selectionHandles[0].x = this.x - half;
                selectionHandles[0].y = this.y - half;

                selectionHandles[1].x = this.x + this.w / 2 - half;
                selectionHandles[1].y = this.y - half;

                selectionHandles[2].x = this.x + this.w - half;
                selectionHandles[2].y = this.y - half;

                //middle left
                selectionHandles[3].x = this.x - half;
                selectionHandles[3].y = this.y + this.h / 2 - half;

                //middle right
                selectionHandles[4].x = this.x + this.w - half;
                selectionHandles[4].y = this.y + this.h / 2 - half;

                //bottom left, middle, right
                selectionHandles[6].x = this.x + this.w / 2 - half;
                selectionHandles[6].y = this.y + this.h - half;

                selectionHandles[5].x = this.x - half;
                selectionHandles[5].y = this.y + this.h - half;

                selectionHandles[7].x = this.x + this.w - half;
                selectionHandles[7].y = this.y + this.h - half;

                context.fillStyle = mySelBoxColor;
                for (var i = 0; i < 8; i++) {
                    var cur = selectionHandles[i];
                    context.fillRect(cur.x, cur.y, mySelBoxSize, mySelBoxSize);

        } // end draw


    //Initialize a new Box, add it, and invalidate the canvas
    function addRect(x, y, w, h, fill,text,FontSize,TextColor,TextFontFamily,Angle,ScaleWidth,ScaleHeight) {
        var rect = new Box2;
        rect.x = x;
        rect.y = y;
        rect.w = w
        rect.h = h;
        rect.Owntext = text;
        rect.FontSize = FontSize;
        rect.TextColor = TextColor;
        rect.TextFontFamily = TextFontFamily;
        rect.Angle = Angle;
        rect.ScaleWidth = ScaleWidth;
        rect.ScaleHeight = ScaleHeight;
       // alert(TextFontFamily);
      //  rect.fontsize = FontSize;

      //  alert(fill);

        rect.fill = fill;
    var CanvasHeight = 0;
    var CanvasWidth = 0;
    // initialize our canvas, add a ghost canvas, set draw loop
    // then add everything we want to intially exist on the canvas
    function init2() {
        //   alert('init2')
        dropdownTextFamily = document.getElementById('drpFontFamily');
        dropdown = document.getElementById('drpTextColor');
        Button = document.getElementById('Mybtn');
        canvas = document.getElementById('canvas2');
        HEIGHT = canvas.height;
        WIDTH = canvas.width;
       // CanvasHeight=
        ctx = canvas.getContext('2d');
        ghostcanvas = document.createElement('canvas');
        ghostcanvas.height = HEIGHT;
        ghostcanvas.width = WIDTH;
        gctx = ghostcanvas.getContext('2d');

        //fixes a problem where double clicking causes text to get selected on the canvas
        canvas.onselectstart = function () { return false; }

        // fixes mouse co-ordinate problems when there's a border or padding
        // see getMouse for more detail
        if (document.defaultView && document.defaultView.getComputedStyle) {
            stylePaddingLeft = parseInt(document.defaultView.getComputedStyle(canvas, null)['paddingLeft'], 10) || 0;
            stylePaddingTop = parseInt(document.defaultView.getComputedStyle(canvas, null)['paddingTop'], 10) || 0;
            styleBorderLeft = parseInt(document.defaultView.getComputedStyle(canvas, null)['borderLeftWidth'], 10) || 0;
            styleBorderTop = parseInt(document.defaultView.getComputedStyle(canvas, null)['borderTopWidth'], 10) || 0;

        // make mainDraw() fire every INTERVAL milliseconds
        setInterval(mainDraw, INTERVAL);

        // set our events. Up and down are for dragging,
        // double click is for making new boxes
        canvas.onmousedown = myDown;
        canvas.onmouseup = myUp;
        Button.onclick = myDblClickButton;
        dropdown.onchange = ChangeTextColor;
        dropdownTextFamily.onchange = ChangeTextFontFamily;
       // lblCheck.onclick = myclick;
       // textBox.onkeyup = myDblClick;
        //  canvas.ondblclick = myDblClick;
     //   alert('ethe');
        canvas.onmousemove = myMove;

        // set up the selection handle boxes
        for (var i = 0; i < 8; i++) {
          //  alert();
            var rect = new Box2;
            selectionHandles.push(rect);//WATCHED ******* A New Reactangle Added To The Canvas

        // add custom initialization here:

        // add a large green rectangle
     //   addRect(260, 70, 60, 65, 'rgba(0,205,0,0.7)');

        // add a green-blue rectangle
      //  addRect(240, 120, 40, 40, 'rgba(2,165,165,0.7)');

        // add a smaller purple rectangle
        //  addRect(45, 60, 25, 25, 'rgba(150,150,250,0.7)');

        // get a reference to the canvas element, and its context

        var canvas2 = document.getElementById('canvas2');
        var ctx1 = canvas2.getContext('2d');

        // sets maximum line width, line height, and x /y coords for text

        var maxWidth = canvas2.width - 10;
        var lineHeight = 23;
        var x_pos = (canvas2.width - maxWidth) / 2;
        var y_pos = 15;
        var DbClickCount=0;
        // register onkeyup event for #text_cnv text field to add the text in canvas as it is typed
        document.getElementById('textBox').onkeyup = function () {
          //  clearCanvas(canvas2);      // clears the canvas
            // mySel.Owntext = this.value;

            if (mySel == null) {
                // alert('I am Here');

                var x = 10;
                var y = 10;
             //   alert(x);
                myDown1(x, y);
                addTextCnv(ctx1, this.value, mySel.x, mySel.y, mySel.h, mySel.w);
               // addTextCnv(ctx1, this.value, 260, 120, 60, 65);
              //  myDown1();
               // mySel.x = 260;
               // mySel.y = 100;
               // myDown1(260,100);
                // mySel.h = 50;
               // mySel.w = 5;
               // addTextCnv(ctx1, this.value, 260, 100, 50, 5);
               //// addTextCnv(ctx1, this.value, mySel.x, mySel.y, mySel.h, mySel.w);
                // addTextCnv(ctx1, this.value, 260, 120, 60, 65);
              //  alert(mySel.x);
               // alert(mySel.y);
              //  alert(mySel.h);
              //  alert(mySel.w);
                addTextCnv(ctx1, this.value, mySel.x, mySel.y, mySel.h, lineHeight);

            //addTextCnv(ctx1, this.value, 260, 120, 60, 65);
          //  mainDraw(this.value);
          //addTextCnv(ctx1, this.value, x_pos, y_pos, maxWidth, 23);
        var text2 = "Sachdeva";
       // document.write("<p>Fontsize: " + text2.fontsize(6) + "</p>");
       //  text2.fontsize(6);
        //  ctx1.font = 'italic 20px Calibri';
        ctx1.font = '20pt Calibri';

        var text1 = "rajay";
      //  var text3 = "rajay1";

   //     addRect(260, 70, 60, 15, 'rgba(0,205,0,0.7)',text1);

        // add a smaller purple rectangle
      //  alert('hi');
   //     addRect(45, 60, 25, 15, 'rgba(150,150,250,0.7)', text2);
        //addRect(260, 85, 60, 65, 'rgba(0,205,0,0.7)', text3);


function myMove(e) {

   ctx = canvas.getContext('2d');
    if (isDrag) {
       // alert('hi');
      //  alert(e.x);
      //   alert('drag');
        mySel.x = mx - offsetx;
     //   alert(mySel.x);
        mySel.y = my - offsety;

        // something is changing position so we better invalidate the canvas!
    } else if (isResizeDrag) {
       // alert('hi');
        // time ro resize!
        var oldx = mySel.x;
        var oldy = mySel.y;
        var oldw = mySel.w;
        var oldh = mySel.h;
        switch (expectResize) {
            case 0:

              // mySel.x = mx;
               // mySel.y = my;
               // mySel.w += oldx - mx;
             //   mySel.h += oldy - my;
             //   mySel.ScaleWidth = 2;
            //    mySel.ScaleHeight = 1;
           //     alert(mySel.w);
              //  mySel.FontSize = (mySel.h/2)+(mySel.w/4);
              //  alert(mySel.FontSize);
               // alert(mySel.h);
               // alert(mySel.w);
             //   alert(mySel.Angle);
               // var clickAngle = getAngle(mySel.x, mySel.y, mx, my) - mySel.Angle;
              //var clickAngle = getAngle(cX + offX, cY + offY, event.clientX, event.clientY) - model.angle;
              //  mySel.Angle = (getAngle(mySel.x, mySel.y, mx, my) - clickAngle);
              //  alert(mySel.Angle);
             //   mySel.Angle = 45;

               // alert(mySel.Angle);
               // alert(mySel.h);

            //    ctx.font = 'italic ' + (2 / 3) * mySel.h + 'px' + ' Calibri';
               // ctx.font = 'italic ' + (2 / 3) * mySel.h+'px' + ' Calibri';
               // alert(ctx.font);
            case 1:
                mySel.y = my;
                mySel.h += oldy - my;
          //      alert(mySel.h);
                if (mySel.FontSize>mySel.h){
                    mySel.FontSize = mySel.h;
                   // alert('Hi');
                    mySel.FontSize = mySel.FontSize;
               // mySel.FontSize = (mySel.h / 2) + (mySel.w / 4);
              //  ctx.scale(1, 2);
              //  ctx.font = 'italic ' + (2 / 3) * mySel.h + 'px' + ' Calibri';
            case 2:
                mySel.y = my;
                mySel.w = mx - oldx;
                mySel.h += oldy - my;
                mySel.FontSize = (mySel.h / 2) + (mySel.w / 4);
          //      ctx.font = 'italic ' + (2 / 3) * mySel.h + 'px' + ' Calibri';
            case 3:
                mySel.x = mx;
                mySel.w += oldx - mx;
                mySel.FontSize = (mySel.h / 2) + (mySel.w / 4);
            case 4:
                mySel.w = mx - oldx;
               // mySel.FontSize = mySel.FontSize;
                mySel.FontSize = (mySel.h / 2) + (mySel.w / 4);
            case 5:
                mySel.x = mx;
                mySel.w += oldx - mx;
                mySel.h = my - oldy;
                mySel.FontSize = (mySel.h / 2) + (mySel.w / 4);
        //        ctx.font = 'italic ' + (2 / 3) * mySel.h + 'px' + ' Calibri';
            case 6:
                //mySel.h = my - oldy;
                //mySel.FontSize = mySel.h;
        //        ctx.font = 'italic ' + (2 / 3) * mySel.h + 'px' + ' Calibri';
            case 7:
                mySel.w = mx - oldx;
                mySel.h = my - oldy;
                mySel.FontSize = (mySel.h / 2) + (mySel.w / 4);
        //        ctx.font = 'italic ' + (2 / 3) * mySel.h + 'px' + ' Calibri';
       // alert(mySel.FontSize);

    // if there's a selection see if we grabbed one of the selection handles
    if (mySel !== null && !isResizeDrag) {
        for (var i = 0; i < 8; i++) {
            // 0  1  2
            // 3     4
            // 5  6  7

            var cur = selectionHandles[i];

         //   alert('Here');
            // we dont need to use the ghost context because
            // selection handles will always be rectangles
            if (mx >= cur.x && mx <= cur.x + mySelBoxSize &&
                my >= cur.y && my <= cur.y + mySelBoxSize) {
                // we found one!
                expectResize = i;

                switch (i) {
                    case 0:
                        this.style.cursor = 'nw-resize';
                    case 1:
                        this.style.cursor = 'n-resize';
                    case 2:
                        this.style.cursor = 'ne-resize';
                    case 3:
                        this.style.cursor = 'w-resize';
                    case 4:
                        this.style.cursor = 'e-resize';
                    case 5:
                        this.style.cursor = 'sw-resize';
                    case 6:
                        this.style.cursor = 's-resize';
                    case 7:
                        this.style.cursor = 'se-resize';

        // not over a selection box, return to normal
        isResizeDrag = false;
        expectResize = -1;
        this.style.cursor = 'auto';



您需要执行一些计算以使文本具有边框,然后在上下文中使用 scale 使其与要填充的矩形.
您可以使用 measureText 获得文本的宽度.不幸的是,仅提供了文本宽度,但是高度值始终与fontSize接近.

You need to perform some computation to have the bounding box of the text, then use scale on the context to have it match the rect you want to fill.
You get the width of a text by using measureText. Unfortunately, only the text width is provided, but the height value is always close from the fontSize.

var cv = document.getElementById('cv');
var ctx = cv.getContext('2d');

function drawTextInBox(txt, font, x, y, w, h, angle) {
  angle = angle || 0;
  var fontHeight = 20;
  var hMargin = 4;
  ctx.font = fontHeight + 'px ' + font;
  ctx.textAlign = 'left';
  ctx.textBaseline = 'top';
  var txtWidth = ctx.measureText(txt).width + 2 * hMargin;
  ctx.translate(x+w/2, y);
  ctx.strokeRect(-w/2, 0, w, h);
  ctx.scale(w / txtWidth, h / fontHeight);
  ctx.translate(hMargin, 0)
  ctx.fillText(txt, -txtWidth/2, 0);

drawTextInBox('This is a line', 'Arial', 2, 2, 60, 20);

drawTextInBox('Another line here', 'Arial', 2, 32, 160, 40, 0.1);

drawTextInBox('The Last line', 'Arial', 2, 82, 220, 90);

drawTextInBox('! Now with an angle !', 'Arial', 42, 190, 120, 30, -Math.PI/12);
<canvas width=400 height=300 id='cv'></canvas>

这篇关于将文本调整为矩形在Canvas HTML5中调整大小的文章就介绍到这了,希望我们推荐的答案对大家有所帮助,也希望大家多多支持!

07-16 22:36