我有一个GPS装置,可以通过TCP连接发送数据,但我没有修改它发送所以它会来我的服务器在HTTP请求的形式信息的能力 - 它只能在predefined格式发送邮件。
I have a GPS unit that can send data over a TCP connection, but I don't have the ability to modify the message that it sends so it would come to my server in the form of an HTTP request - it can only send a message in a predefined format.
1) Is it possible to have Apache handle a TCP connection that doesn't come in the form of an HTTP request, and have the message that is sent be processed by a PHP script?
2) If #1 isn't possible, how would you recommend I handle the data being sent to my server?
I will potentially have hundreds, if not thousands, of these GPS units sending data to my server so I need an efficient way to handle all of the connections coming in (which is why I wanted Apache or some other production worthy server to handle the TCP connections). I would like to be able to deal with the message sent over the connection with PHP since that is what the rest of my application runs on, and I will need to insert the data sent into a database (and PHP is really good at doing that kind of thing).
In case it matters, the GPS unit can send data over a UDP connection, but from what I have read Apache doesn't work with UDP connections.
Any suggestions would be welcome.
Using Apache wouldn't be practical as it's using a nuclear bomb when a firecracker will suffice. Creating a PHP server is quite simple on Linux with the help of xinetd.
修改 / etc / services中
。假设你希望你的服务端口上运行56789.在的/ etc /服务
gpsservice 56789/tcp
在 /etc/xinet.d /
,创建一个名为 gpsservice
In /etc/xinet.d/
, create a file named gpsservice
service gpsservice
socket_type = stream
protocol = tcp
wait = no
user = yourusername
server = /path/to/your/script
log_on_success = HOST PID
disable = no
// do stuff
重新启动xinetd 服务的xinetd重启
Restart xinetd service xinetd restart
You now have a quick TCP server written in PHP.
这篇关于阿帕奇 - 处理的TCP连接,而不是HTTP请求的文章就介绍到这了,希望我们推荐的答案对大家有所帮助,也希望大家多多支持!