


I would like to pass some parameters to a customized Linux init via the boot options configured in the bootloader at boot.

我已经用Python和C编写了测试init.Python版本能够看到内核引导选项中没有'='或''的任何内容.在里面.可以在sys.argv中找到这些值.但是,C程序似乎没有传递值.我以为Python中的sys.argv列表是通过解析** argv数组生成的.以下是测试脚本和屏幕截图,有望有助于澄清这些问题.

I've written test init's in both Python and C. The Python version is able to see anything in the kernel boot options that doesn't have a '=' or '.' in it. The values are found in sys.argv. However, the C program doesn't seem to get passed the values. I would have thought the sys.argv list in Python was generated by parsing the **argv array. Below are the test scripts and screen shots that will hopefully help clarify.


kernel /grub/linux- root=/dev/vda1 init=/argv-{p|c} one two three four five



import sys

i = 0
print("Printing argv[] (Python) ...")
for each in range(i, len(sys.argv)):
    print("argv[%d] - %s" % (i, sys.argv[i]))
    i += 1
print("...finished printing argv[]")


#include <stdio.h>

int main(int argc, char **argv)
    int i;
    printf("Printing argv[] (C) ...\n");
    for(i; i < argc; i++) {
        printf("argv[%d] - %s\n", i, argv[i]);
    printf("...finished printing argv[]\n");


You can see just before the test programs exit (and causes panic) the python version spits out the boot options the kernel didn't digest while the C version didn't. I've looked at the sysvinit source code and it looks to me (not being a C dev) that it works the same way?


How do I get the boot options passed to my C init program?


(oh, and the C program works as expected when not being run as init)


我不知道C,但是我认为int i;在哪里(第4行)应该是int i = 0;.如果输入有误,请在答案中添加评论,然后将其删除.

I don't know C, but I think where is int i; (line 4) should be int i = 0;. If I am wrong, add a comment to my answer and I will delete it.

您也可以在for循环中执行i = 0:for(i = 0; i < argc; i++).

you could also do i = 0 in the for loop: for(i = 0; i < argc; i++).


08-22 20:17