the following doesn't work , why ?
var myWindow=null;
myWindow = window.open(targetUrlVar,"_blank","resizable=yes");
尽管 MyWindow 是一个 Window 引用,但不会执行检查以查看它是否已完全加载.我认为 $(window).load(...)
Though MyWindow is a Window reference, no check is performed to see whether or not it has been fully loaded. i thought $(window).load(...)
would work here for "window " being replaced by "MyWindow".
因为 targetUrlVar 是一个内部资源(比如属于我的域的页面),它可以工作..但是一旦我想使用 .load()
或 myWindow.onload()
和 targetUrlVar
作为外部页面(例如www.yahoo.com 或 www.google.com ),它不再起作用...没有显示警报..
for targetUrlVar being an internal resource (like a page belonging to my domain) it works..but as soon as i wanted to used the .load()
or myWindow.onload()
with a targetUrlVar
being an external page (such as www.yahoo.com or www.google.com ), it doesn't work any more...No alert is displayed..
i need you help... thank you everyone
如果您想在子窗口打开时触发警报,而不管子窗口的 DOM 状态如何,那么这应该可以工作.我还提供了一种方法来测试这个假设.
If you want to trigger the alert when the child window is open regardless of the state of the child window's DOM then this should work. I also provided a way to test this assumption.
使用以下内容创建一个测试 PHP 脚本(或类似的脚本语言):
Create a test PHP script (or similar scripting language) with the following content:
<?php sleep(5); // Sleep to delay DOM from loading ?>
Done sleeping...
然后使用以下 javascript 将此测试页面称为您的子窗口:
Then call this test page as your child window usingthe following javascript:
win = window.open('test.php', 'test', 'width=300, height=400, x=800');
$(win.document).ready(function() {
alert('Window is open');
在您看到子窗口中出现完成睡眠..."之前,您会注意到来自父窗口的 alert() 触发.
You'll notice that the alert() from the parent window fires before you see "Done sleeping..." appear in the child window.
这篇关于Jquery:如何检查新打开的窗口是否已完全加载?/窗口加载外部页面(如 www.yahoo.com)的文章就介绍到这了,希望我们推荐的答案对大家有所帮助,也希望大家多多支持!