*** Variables ***
${BROWSER} firefox
${URL} http://url/
${Delay} 0
in my settings.txt file i have a variable named {BROWSER} AND associate value as shown above it is firefox
*** Variables ***
@{BROWSERS} firefox chrome IE
${URL} http://url/
${Delay} 0
something like above... so when i run test-suite first it will run in firefox and after completion of all testcases it will close firefox and will open chrome and run all the test cases again on chrome browser ..and so on after this it will run on IE
I don't want to do it manually (I mean by passing one by one or by editing txt file).fully automatically.... once i run the test it will automatically test in all the browsers.
PS: this is in settings.txt file and i have two folders in which i have test.txt files. so there is the main problem ..i have to iterate these folders in a loop
|-- main.py
|-- settings.txt //in this file i have browser variable (or Array)
|-- test1
| |-- testl.txt
| |-- test1_settings.txt //this will contain all the variables and user defined keyword related to test1 and
|-- test2
| |-- test2.txt
| |-- test2_settings.txt //same as test1
我运行这样的测试用例$pybot test1 test2
i run test cases like this$pybot test1 test2
I see 2 ways to do it.
1) loop over your browser and call a keyword that do your test:
*** Variables ***
@{BROWSERS} firefox chrome IE
*** test cases ***
test with several browser
:FOR ${browser} IN @{BROWSERS}
\ log to console call keyword that does your test with ${browser}
Here is what you get with this test:
[Mac]$ pybot .
test with several browser
call keyword that does your test with firefox
call keyword that does your test with chrome
call keyword that does your test with IE
test with several browser | PASS |
Browser.Ts | PASS |
1 critical test, 1 passed, 0 failed
1 test total, 1 passed, 0 failed
2)另一种方式(我更喜欢)是将$ {BROWSER}变量保留为单个值,并使用在命令行中给出的变量的新值多次调用测试用例:
2) another way (which I prefer) is to keep your ${BROWSER} variable with a single value and call your test case several time with a new value for the variable that you give on the command line:
[Mac]$ pybot --variable BROWSER:firefox ts.txt
[Mac]$ pybot --variable BROWSER:chrome ts.txt
[Mac]$ pybot --variable BROWSER:ie ts.txt