本文介绍了[Regex]::Replace() 和 -replace 有什么区别?的处理方法,对大家解决问题具有一定的参考价值,需要的朋友们下面随着小编来一起学习吧!


我理解了 .Replace()-replace 之间的区别,但是什么是 -replace[Regex]::Replace()?

I understood the difference between .Replace() and -replace, but what are -replace and [Regex]::Replace()?

我测试了以下 2 个代码,但对我来说结果完全相同.

I tested the 2 following codes, but for me the results are the exactly the same.

我还提到了 PowerShell Cookbook(O'reilly),它说

I also referred to PowerShell Cookbook(O'reilly), and it says

([Regex] 是) 极其先进的正则表达式替换

我想知道什么 [Regex] 可以但 -replace 不能.

I want to know what [Regex] can but -replace can't.

$line = "Loosen the socket by turning it#counterclockwise."
$line = $line -Replace "([a-z])#([a-z])","`$1 `$2"

# Loosen the socket by turning it counterclockwise.

# IsPublic IsSerial Name                                     BaseType
# -------- -------- ----                                     --------
# True     True     String                                   System.Object

$line2 = "Loosen the socket by turning it#counterclockwise."
$line2 = [Regex]::Replace($line3,"([a-z])#([a-z])","`$1 `$2")

# Loosen the socket by turning it counterclockwise.

# IsPublic IsSerial Name                                     BaseType
# -------- -------- ----                                     --------
# True     True     String                                   System.Object


The Fish 的有用答案 包含很好的指针,但是让我稍微改变一下,部分灵感来自 Ansgar Wiechers 的评论:

The Fish's helpful answer contains good pointers, but let me frame things a little differently, in part inspired by Ansgar Wiechers' comments:

  • 鉴于 PowerShell 基于 .NET 框架构建,因此 PowerShell 以更简单、更高级别的方式呈现 .NET 功能是一种常见模式.

默认行为的一个重要区别是 -replacecase-INsensitive 默认情况下,符合 PowerShell 在一般.

An important difference in default behavior is that -replace is case-INsensitive by default, in line with PowerShell's behavior in general.

  • 使用变体 -creplace 进行大小写敏感替换.
  • Use variant -creplace for case-sensitive replacements.

-replace 仅提供各种 [Regex]::Replace() 重载.

-replace only provides a subset of the functionality provided by the various [Regex]::Replace() overloads.

  • PowerShell Core v6.1.0+ 中的功能差距已经缩小,现在还通过传递给 -replace回调功能>,感谢 Mathias R. Jessen 的工作;例如,
    '1 + 1 = 2' -replace '\d+', { [int] $_.Value * 2 } 产生 '2 + 2 = 4' 并且是相当于:
    [regex]::replace('1 + 1 = 2', '\d+', { param($match) [int] $match.Value * 2 })
  • The functionality gap has narrowed in PowerShell Core v6.1.0+, which now also offers callback functionality via a script block passed to -replace, thanks to work by Mathias R. Jessen; e.g.,
    '1 + 1 = 2' -replace '\d+', { [int] $_.Value * 2 } yields '2 + 2 = 4' and is the equivalent of:
    [regex]::replace('1 + 1 = 2', '\d+', { param($match) [int] $match.Value * 2 })

如果 -replace 对给定用例足够好,请使用 it 而不是 [regex]::Replace().

If -replace is good enough for a given use case, use it rather than [regex]::Replace().

  • 方法调用的语法与 PowerShell 的其余部分不同,并且在类型转换和代码的长期稳定性方面存在细微差别;因此,如果可行,通常最好坚持使用原生 PowerShell 功能(cmdlet 和运算符).

  • The syntax of method calls differs from the rest of PowerShell, and there are subtleties around type conversion and long-term stability of code; it is therefore generally preferable to stick with native PowerShell features (cmdlets and operators), if feasible.

但是,如果 -replace 没有提供您需要的功能,直接调用 [regex]::Replace() 是一个很好的高级选项;请注意,Replace() 也作为实例 方法存在,在这种情况下,它提供了附加功能 - 例如,限制替换次数例如:

However, if -replace doesn't provide the functionality you need, calling [regex]::Replace() directly is a great advanced option; note that Replace() also exists as an instance method, in which case it offers additional functionality - e.g., the ability to limit the number of replacements; e.g.:

# Replace only the first two 'o' instances.
PS> $re = [regex] 'o'; $re.Replace('fooo', '@', 2)

这篇关于[Regex]::Replace() 和 -replace 有什么区别?的文章就介绍到这了,希望我们推荐的答案对大家有所帮助,也希望大家多多支持!
