我正在努力在边缘浏览器中使用post方法,而对于相同的请求,我正在其他浏览器(例如Internet Explorer,Chrome,Firefox)中获得响应,但在Edge中却没有.虽然我做了很多分析,但我不知道为什么发帖请求不能仅在边缘工作我对在网络标签中看到的行为有疑问.
I am struggling with a post method in edge browser, while for same request i am getting response in other browsers like Internet explorer, chrome, Firefox but not in edge.While i have done lot of analysis but i could not figure out why post request is not working only in edgedoubt which i have regarding behavior seen in network tabs.
Please find attached snapshot of network tab(I have removed url and name from screenshot for some policy)Now question is1. Why in protocol tab despite of showing HTTPS it is showing "Pending" and in result tab it is also not showing any status just "Pending" and in Initiator tab it is showing "Fetch"
Now i am attaching same request in firefox browser
In this picture we can see complete information of request header and response header
Till this point i find everything right about this request but i don't know why it is not working one doubt that i have is in response header we have
Access-Control-Allow-Methods: GET, POST, OPTIONS
Do we need to add FETCH also here?Another doubt i have here that in this project iframe tag is getting used could this be possible cause for this ?
Do i need to make any change in my request header or response header ? or do i need some kind of configuration
I am using angular 7Any help is appreciated for any further explanation please comment so that i can clarifyThanks in advance
Note: While doing some research i found that for edge browser we need to send request in string format which i have already done
在对我的代码库进行了一些研究之后,我发现代码没什么错,比发现后还好,这是Microsoft Edge浏览器版本42上的未解决问题. -Edge使用content-encoding:identity将请求/响应无限期地标记为待处理请求–可以在下面链接中提到的Microsoft官方网站上找到问题
After doing some research on my code base i found that there is nothing wrong in code, than after found, This is open issue on Microsoft edge browser version 42, -Edge marks a request/response as pending indefinitely requests with content-encoding:identity – Issue can be found on Microsoft official website mentioned in below link
我在Microsoft Edge浏览器的Dev通道和canary通道上测试了相同的请求,它在哪里正常工作,这意味着在Microsoft Edge的将来版本中,此问题将得到解决. Dev频道和Canary频道的边缘可以在下面的链接中找到
Than i tested same request on Dev channel and canary channel of Microsoft edge browser where is it working fine, which means in future release of Microsoft edge this issue will be fixed. Edge for Dev channel and canary channel can be found on below link
这篇关于Post方法在边缘浏览器中不起作用,但在其他浏览器(如Firefox)中起作用. IE浏览器,Chrome的文章就介绍到这了,希望我们推荐的答案对大家有所帮助,也希望大家多多支持!