

我正在使用pyttsx3模块.我安装了Microsoft James语音,并且在按下预览语音"按钮时可以听到Windows语音设置中的按钮.但是,当我尝试查看所有声音时,仅显示"Microsoft David Desktop-英文(美国)".和"Microsoft Zira Desktop-英文(美国)";来.

I am using the pyttsx3 module.I have the the Microsoft James voice installed and I can hear it when pressing the "preview voice" button in the windows speech settings.However when I try to view all the voices, only "Microsoft David Desktop - English (United States)" and "Microsoft Zira Desktop - English (United States)" come up.

为什么不显示Microsoft James语音?

Why doesn't the Microsoft James voice show up ?



First press the "windows" key and "R" key simultaneously A run window should pop up. Click on the run box and type "regedit" and click enter, click "yes" and proceed. A registry editor should pop up. Now continue at your own risk(make a registry backup, I don't know what it is just search it) . Double click on "HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE", then "SOFTWARE " --> "MICROSOFT " sroll down then "SPEECH SERVER" --> "v11.0" now you should see "Voices".


Right click on "Voices" and you should see "Export". Then save the file somwhere you know(any filename) Go to the location where you saved it then right click the file Now close the registry editor

然后点击打开方式"->记事本之后,单击"Ctrl".+"H";替换窗口应在查找内容"窗口中弹出.键入"Speech Server \ v11.0&";用替换为"类型语音"然后单击全部替换,然后保存并关闭文件,然后使用注册表编辑器"打开相同的文件.在两个弹出窗口中单击是".

Then click on "Open with" --> Notepad After that click "Ctrl" + "H" A replace window should pop up In "Find what" type "Speech Server\v11.0" In "replace with" type "Speech" Then click replace all Then save and close the file Then open the same file with "Registry Editor" Click yes on both pop ups


press the "windows" key and "R" key simultaneously A run window should pop up. Click on the run box and type "regedit" and click enter, click "yes" and proceed. A registry editor should pop up.


Now you would be seeing "Voices" If you look a little higher up you should see "Speech Server" And just on top of that is "Speech" Open "Speech " by double clicking it Under "Voices" and "Tokens" you should see your newly installed voice.


Now scroll down until you see "Wow6432Node" Open that then, Open MICROSOFT " sroll down then "SPEECH SERVER" --> "v11.0" now you should see "Voices".


Right click on "Voices" and you should see "Export". Then save the file somwhere you know(any filename) Go to the location where you saved it then right click the file Now close the registry editor

然后点击打开方式"->记事本之后,单击"Ctrl".+"H";替换窗口应在查找内容"窗口中弹出.键入"Speech Server \ v11.0&";用替换为"类型语音"然后单击全部替换,然后保存并关闭文件,然后使用注册表编辑器"打开相同的文件.在两个弹出窗口中单击是",然后单击确定".键和"R"同时按下一个键,将弹出一个运行窗口.点击运行框,然后输入"regedit"并单击Enter,然后单击是".并继续.注册表编辑器应弹出.

Then click on "Open with" --> Notepad After that click "Ctrl" + "H" A replace window should pop up In "Find what" type "Speech Server\v11.0" In "replace with" type "Speech" Then click replace all Then save and close the file Then open the same file with "Registry Editor" Click yes on both pop ups Then click ok Now press the "windows" key and "R" key simultaneously A run window should pop up. Click on the run box and type "regedit" and click enter, click "yes" and proceed. A registry editor should pop up.

现在,您会看到语音"如果您向上抬起头,应该会看到语音服务器"(Speech Server)最重要的是语音"打开语音"在语音"下双击和代币"您应该会看到新安装的声音.现在,您已经准备好测试您的代码,以检查其是否正常运行.如果您对代码有任何疑问,请在此处告诉您

Now you would be seeing "Voices" If you look a little higher up you should see "Speech Server" And just on top of that is "Speech" Open "Speech " by double clicking it Under "Voices" and "Tokens" you should see your newly installed voice. Now, you are ready now test your code to check if it works correctly If you have any problems with code please tell here


08-22 23:40