我有在本地运行的 powershell 脚本.但是那些脚本没有在现场功能应用程序中运行 > powershell (windows) 机器.
I have powershell scripts which is running locally.But those scripts not running insite function apps > powershell (windows) machine.
az 登录 --service-principal -u $ServicePrincipalId -p$ServicePrincipalPass --tenant $ServicePrincipalTenant
Getting below when i run the script
ERROR: The term 'az' is not recognized as the name of a cmdlet, function, script file, or operable program.
因为我没有在 windows 机器上安装 az cli,所以我添加了以下行以在我的脚本中安装 az 命令.
since i dont have az cli installed in the windows machine, i have added below line to install az command in my script.
Install-Module -Name Az -AllowClobber -Scope CurrentUser
在安装 az.
2019-06-11T12:42:59.698 [Warning] WARNING: InternalWebProxy: Could not find a part of the path 'D:Program Files (x86)SiteExtensionsFunctions2.0.1250732bitworkerspowershell
2019-06-11T12:42:59.843 [Warning] WARNING: Win32Helpers: Could not find a part of the path 'D:Program Files (x86)SiteExtensionsFunctions2.0.1250732bitworkerspowershell
2019-06-11T12:43:05.023 [Warning] WARNING: User declined to install module (Az).
甚至 -Force 不起作用.需要知道是什么导致了问题.
even -Force is not working. need to know what is causing the issue.
注意:- 该脚本在本地 Windows 机器上完美运行.问题是尝试在门户上运行时> functionapp> timertrigger
Note :- The script is perfectly running in local windows machine. the issue is when try to run on portal > functionapp> timertrigger
Attaching azure function app creating with windows machine
将 cli 文件夹添加到 kudu 后出现错误
Getting error after adding cli folder into kudu
> 2019-06-13T12:29:40.510 [Error] ERROR: File
> "C:UsersVSSADM~1AppDataLocalTemppip-install-68v0_w99azure-cli-coreazureclicorecommands\__init__.py", line 523, in execute Microsoft.Azure.WebJobs.Script.Rpc.RpcException :
> Result: ERROR: File
> "C:UsersVSSADM~1AppDataLocalTemppip-install-68v0_w99azure-cli-coreazureclicorecommands\__init__.py", line 523, in execute Exception: File
> "C:UsersVSSADM~1AppDataLocalTemppip-install-68v0_w99azure-cli-coreazureclicorecommands\__init__.py", line 523, in execute
kudu 控制台
由于报错说明你没有在环境中安装Azure CLI.要安装 Azure CLI,一种可能的方法是将安装在本地计算机中的整个 CLI 目录复制到函数 KUDU 路径 /home
As the error shows that you do not install the Azure CLI in the environment. To install the Azure CLI, a possible way is to copy the whole CLI directory that you installed in the local machine to your function KUDU path /home
In the test, the copy path in the function KUDU is D:/home/CLI2/
D:/home/CLI2/wbin/az.cmd login --service-principal -u 'xxxxxx' -p 'xxxxxx' --tenant 'xxxxxx' | Write-Host
这篇关于Azure CLI 命令在 azure 函数应用(门户)中不起作用的文章就介绍到这了,希望我们推荐的答案对大家有所帮助,也希望大家多多支持!