


许多资源说,有两种类型的光流算法。而卢卡斯 - 卡纳德是一个稀疏的技术,但我找不到稀疏和密集的意义?可以有人告诉我密集和稀疏光流之间的区别是什么?

Lots of resources say that there are two types optical flow algorithms. And Lucas-Kanade is a sparse technique, but I can't find the meanings of sparse and dense? Can some one tell me what is the difference between dense and sparse optical flow?


简单的解释是,稀疏技术只需要从整个图像处理一些像素,密集技术处理所有像素。密集技术较慢,但可以更准确,但在我的经验中,Lucas-Kanade的准确性可能足以用于实时应用程序。密集光流算法(最流行的)的一个例子是Gunner Farneback的光流。

The short explanation is, sparse techniques only need to process some pixels from the whole image, dense techniques process all the pixels. Dense techniques are slower but can be more accurate, but in my experience Lucas-Kanade accuracy might be enough for real-time applications. An example of a dense optical flow algorithm (the most popular) is Gunner Farneback's Optical Flow.

要获取流质量的概述,请查看基准页。 或数据集

To get an overview of the flow quality look at the benchmark page e.g. the KITTI or the Middleburry dataset



09-06 07:37