我正在与 Angular 和 socket.io 进行聊天.服务器可以在短时间内发出许多事件,前端必须一个接一个地处理每个事件.
I'm working on a chat with Angular and socket.io.Server can emit many events in a few time, front has to treat every event one after the other.
// My socket service
message: Subject<any> = new Subject<any>();
this.socket.on('messageToServer', (data) => {
// My component
async (msg) => await this.display(msg)
async display(msg): Promise<void> {
try {
console.log('start speaking');
await this.botSpeak(msg.message);
console.log('stop speaking');
} catch (e) {
start speaking
start speaking
stop speaking
stop speaking
这是正常的,因为套接字发出了两次,但我需要在处理 2 之前等待处理 1 才能获得正确的日志:
it's normal because the socket was emitted twice, but i need to wait treatment one before treatment 2 to get this correct log :
start speaking
stop speaking
start speaking
stop speaking
选项 1:使用显示或不显示布尔值的数组.
选项 2:使用队列?怎么样?
Option 1 : use an array with a boolean displayed or not.
Option 2 : use a queue ? how ?
I'm a bit lost about the best way to do that, thanks for your help !
concatMap 是这里的解决方案,这里是示例:https://stackblitz.com/edit/angular-ivy-mdk9s7?file=src/app/app.component.ts
concatMap is the solution here, here's the sample: https://stackblitz.com/edit/angular-ivy-mdk9s7?file=src/app/app.component.ts
double click on the button and look at the console, output will emit in order.
将 fromEvent 替换为您的服务返回的 observable,它将按预期工作.
replace that fromEvent with the observable returned by your service and it'll work as expected.
and well if you're feeling too lazy to open the link lol, here's the code:
concatMap(msg => from(this.display(msg))) // use from operator to convert a promise to an observable
next: _ => {}
这篇关于聊天 angular websocket,按顺序显示元素的文章就介绍到这了,希望我们推荐的答案对大家有所帮助,也希望大家多多支持!