In a small app I'm building that uses Reagent and Re-frame I'm using multi-methods to dispatch which page should be shown based on a value in the app state:
(defmulti pages :name)
(defn main-panel []
(let [current-route (re-frame/subscribe [:current-route])]
(fn []
(pages @current-route))))
and then I have methods such as:
(defmethod layout/pages :register [_] [register-page])
where the register-page
function would generate the actual view:
(defn register-page []
(let [registration-form (re-frame/subscribe [:registration-form])]
(fn []
[:h1 "Register"]
I tried changing my app so that the methods generated the pages directly, as in:
(defmethod layout/pages :register [_]
(let [registration-form (re-frame/subscribe [:registration-form])]
(fn []
[:h1 "Register"]
,导致没有页面可以渲染.在主面板中,我将对 pages
and that caused no page to ever be rendered. In my main panel I changed the call to pages
to square brackets so that Reagent would have visibility into it:
(defn main-panel []
(let [current-route (re-frame/subscribe [:current-route])]
(fn []
[pages @current-route])))
and that caused the first visited page to work, but after that, clicking on links (which causes current-route to change) has no effect.
All the namespaces defining the individual methods are required in the file that is loaded first, that contains the init function, and the fact that I can pick any single page and have it displayed proves the code is loading (then, switching to another page doesn't work):
In an effort to debug what's going on, I defined two routes, :about
and :about2
, one as a function and one as a method:
(defn about-page []
(fn []
[:div "This is the About Page."]))
(defmethod layout/pages :about [_]
(defmethod layout/pages :about2 [_]
(fn []
[:div "This is the About 2 Page."]))
,并使布局打印调用 pages
and made the layout print the result of calling pages
(had to use the explicit call instead of the square brackets of course). The wrapped function, the one that works, returns:
[#object[ninjatools$pages$about_page "function ninjatools$pages$about_page(){
return (function (){
return new cljs.core.PersistentVector(null, 2, 5, cljs.core.PersistentVector.EMPTY_NODE, [new cljs.core.Keyword(null,"div","div",1057191632),"This is the About Page."], null);
#object[Function "function (){
return new cljs.core.PersistentVector(null, 2, 5, cljs.core.PersistentVector.EMPTY_NODE, [new cljs.core.Keyword(null,"div","div",1057191632),"This is the About 2 Page."], null);
(defmethod layout/pages :about2 [_]
[(fn []
[:div "This is the About 2 Page."])])
that is, returning the function in a vector, then, it starts to work. And if I make the reverse change to the wrapped function, it starts to fail in the same manner as the method:
(defn about-page []
(fn []
[:div "This is the About Page."]))
(defmethod layout/pages :about [_]
由于Reagent的语法为 [function]
Makes a bit of sense as Reagent's syntax is [function]
but it was supposed to call the function automatically.
我还开始将 @ current-route
I also started outputting @current-route
to the browser, as in:
[pages @current-route]
[:div (pr-str @current-route)]]
并且我验证了 @ current-route
是否已正确修改并更新了输出,只是没有 [pages @ current-route]
and I verified @current-route
is being modified correctly and the output updated, just not [pages @current-route]
可在以下位置找到我的应用程序的完整源代码: https://github.com/carouselapps/ninjatools/tree/multi-methods
The full source code for my app can be found here: https://github.com/carouselapps/ninjatools/tree/multi-methods
Update: corrected the arity of the methods following Michał Marczyk's answer.
I don't have all the details, but apparently, when I was rendering pages like this:
[pages @current-route]]
试剂未能注意到 pages
取决于 @ current-route
的值. Chrome React插件帮助我弄清楚了.我尝试使用替代而不是订阅的方式,这似乎很好用.幸运的是,告诉试剂/反应元素的键很容易:
Reagent was failing to notice that pages
depended on the value of @current-route
. The Chrome React plugin helped me figure it out. I tried using a ratom instead of a subscription and that seemed to work fine. Thankfully, telling Reagent/React the key to an element is easy enough:
^{:key @current-route} [pages @current-route]]