本文介绍了无法获得雅虎的OAuth 2授权的处理方法,对大家解决问题具有一定的参考价值,需要的朋友们下面随着小编来一起学习吧!


我做的使用Apache奥尔图使用OAuth 2规格授权雅虎用户POC项目。以下是我重定向到URL。我得到下述2错误之一。我看到很多人都遇到过这个问题,但我不能缩小到是什么原因造成的错误。我曾尝试多次试验和错误值,但它似乎没有打通。谁能帮我投入?鸭preciate你的时间。

I am doing a poc project using Apache Oltu to authorize a Yahoo user using OAuth 2 spec. Following is the url that I am redirecting to. I get one of the 2 errors mentioned below. I see that many people come across this issue but I am not able to narrow down to what is causing the error. I have tried multiple trial and error values but it doesnt seem to get through. Can anyone help me with inputs? Appreciate your time.

sending在这里正确的值的&安培; REDIRECT_URI = devvm03.ia.wd.org&安培; CLIENT_ID =的这里发送正确的值

Url:https://api.login.yahoo.com/oauth2/request_auth?response_type=code&client_secret=sending correct value here&redirect_uri=devvm03.ia.wd.org&client_id=sending correct value here

我们建议您联系的应用程序或网站的所有者来解决此问题。 [95022]

Errors:Oops. Yahoo is unable to process your request.We recommend that you contact the owner of the application or web site to resolve this issue. [95022]

我们建议您联系的应用程序或网站的所有者来解决此问题。 [95036]

Oops. Yahoo is unable to process your request.We recommend that you contact the owner of the application or web site to resolve this issue. [95036]


Application Details:Application URL:http://devvm03.ia.wd.org/dashboardCallback Domain:devvm03.ia.wd.org


您必须提供有效的URL,从的http:// https://开头 REDIRECT_URI 值。如果没有做正确,你将获得 95036 错误。您还必须确保的client_id 值是正确的,你的网址恩code中的该值,否则就会产生 95022 错误。您必须的不可以提供的授权请求的 client_secret 参数。

You must provide a valid URL, starting with http:// or https:// in the redirect_uri value. If not done correctly you'll get the 95036 error. You also have to make sure the client_id value is correct and that you URL-encode the that value or else it will produce the 95022 error. You must not provide the client_secret parameter in the authorization request.

这篇关于无法获得雅虎的OAuth 2授权的文章就介绍到这了,希望我们推荐的答案对大家有所帮助,也希望大家多多支持!

08-15 23:57