

我的图表的值的范围是10到70000.由于70000太大,因此图表中看不到小的值,并且在将鼠标悬停在其上时也无法查看其标签.是否可以显示所有标签,而无需将鼠标悬停或对此有任何更好的解决方案.小提琴: https://jsfiddle.net/Sanal_5/e6zdk6jt/4/

Values for my Chart range from 10 to 70000. Since 70000 is too large, small values are not visible in the chart and I cannot view its label on hovering over it. Is it possible to show all labels, without having to hover or any better solution for this. fiddle: https://jsfiddle.net/Sanal_5/e6zdk6jt/4/




You could draw the legend for the pie chart by calling generateLegend on the created chart and add an event listen to highlight the segment when hovered over in the legend

$(function() {
  var pieChartCanvas = $("#pieChart").get(0).getContext("2d");

  var PieData = [{
    value: 70000,
    color: "#f56954",
    highlight: "#f56954",
    label: "Chrome"
  }, {
    value: 6000,
    color: "#00a65a",
    highlight: "#00a65a",
    label: "IE"
  }, {
    value: 4000,
    color: "#f39c12",
    highlight: "#f39c12",
    label: "FireFox"
  }, {
    value: 4000,
    color: "#00c0ef",
    highlight: "#00c0ef",
    label: "Safari"
  }, {
    value: 3000,
    color: "#3c8dbc",
    highlight: "#3c8dbc",
    label: "Opera"
  }, {
    value: 10,
    color: "#d2d6de",
    highlight: "#d2d6de",
    label: "Navigator"
  var pieOptions = {
    segmentShowStroke: true,
    segmentStrokeColor: "#fff",
    segmentStrokeWidth: 2,
    percentageInnerCutout: 50,
    animationSteps: 100,
    animationEasing: "easeOutBounce",
    animateRotate: true,
    animateScale: false,
    responsive: true,
    maintainAspectRatio: true
  var pieChart = new Chart(pieChartCanvas).Doughnut(PieData, pieOptions);

  var helpers = Chart.helpers;
  var legendHolder = document.getElementById('graph-legend');
  legendHolder.innerHTML = pieChart.generateLegend();

  // Include a html legend template after the module doughnut itself
  helpers.each(legendHolder.firstChild.childNodes, function(legendNode, index) {
    helpers.addEvent(legendNode, 'mouseover', function() {
      var activeSegment = pieChart.segments[index];
  helpers.addEvent(legendHolder.firstChild, 'mouseout', function() {


#graph-legend {
  width: 50%;
  float: left
#graph-legend ul {
  list-style: none;
#graph-legend ul li {
  display: block;
  padding-left: 30px;
  position: relative;
  margin-bottom: 4px;
  border-radius: 5px;
  padding: 2px 8px 2px 28px;
  font-size: 14px;
  cursor: default;
  -webkit-transition: background-color 200ms ease-in-out;
  -moz-transition: background-color 200ms ease-in-out;
  -o-transition: background-color 200ms ease-in-out;
  transition: background-color 200ms ease-in-out;
#graph-legend li span {
  display: block;
  position: absolute;
  left: 0;
  top: 0;
  width: 20px;
  height: 100%;
  border-radius: 5px;
<script src="https://ajax.googleapis.com/ajax/libs/jquery/2.1.1/jquery.min.js"></script>
<script src="https://cdnjs.cloudflare.com/ajax/libs/Chart.js/1.0.2/Chart.js"></script>
<div class="box-body">
  <canvas id="pieChart" width="787" height="300"></canvas>
<div id="graph-legend"></div>


07-23 04:06