我需要在 SQLite 数据库中获取列名及其表.我需要的是一个有 2 列的结果集: table_name |列名
I need to get column names and their tables in a SQLite database. What I need is a resultset with 2 columns: table_name | column_name
的 SQL 查询来获取此信息.但是 SQLite 提供表 sqlite_master
In MySQL, I'm able to get this information with a SQL query on database INFORMATION_SCHEMA
. However the SQLite offers table sqlite_master
sqlite> create table students (id INTEGER, name TEXT);
sqlite> select * from sqlite_master;
table|students|students|2|CREATE TABLE students (id INTEGER, name TEXT)
which results a DDL construction query (CREATE TABLE
) which is not helpful for me and I need to parse this to get relevant information.
我需要获取表列表并将它们与列连接,或者只获取列和表名列.所以 PRAGMA table_info(TABLENAME)
I need to get list of tables and join them with columns or just get columns along with table name column. So PRAGMA table_info(TABLENAME)
is not working for me since I don't have table name. I want to get all column metadata in the database.
Is there a better way to get that information as a result set by querying database?
You've basically named the solution in your question.
To get a list of tables (and views), query sqlite_master as in
SELECT name, sql FROM sqlite_master
WHERE type='table'
ORDER BY name;
(参见 SQLite 常见问题)
要获取有关特定表中列的信息,请使用 PRAGMA table_info(table-name);
,如 SQLite PRAGMA 文档.
To get information about the columns in a specific table, use PRAGMA table_info(table-name);
as explained in the SQLite PRAGMA documentation.
我不知道有什么方法可以让 tablename|columnname 作为单个查询的结果返回.我不相信 SQLite 支持这一点.最好的办法可能是同时使用这两种方法来返回您要查找的信息 - 首先使用 sqlite_master 获取表列表,然后使用 PRAGMA table_info() 遍历它们以获取它们的列.
I don't know of any way to get tablename|columnname returned as the result of a single query. I don't believe SQLite supports this. Your best bet is probably to use the two methods together to return the information you're looking for - first get the list of tables using sqlite_master, then loop through them to get their columns using PRAGMA table_info().
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