我必须简单地更改数据库的名称,但似乎 ALTER DATABASE
命令在 SQLite 中无效.
I have to simply change name of database, but it seems the ALTER DATABASE
command is not valid in SQLite.
我的场景是我有一个 SQLite 加密数据库,现在我想重命名它.手动重命名 db 文件后,加密不起作用.所以我尝试使用命令更改数据库的名称.看起来问题是由于加密造成的.
My scenario is that I have a SQLite encrypted database, and now I want to rename it. After manually renaming the db file, encryption is not working. So I tried to change the database's name using command. It looks like problem is due to encryption.
SQLite 中没有数据库名称,因为每个文件只有一个数据库.也许您想要做的是重命名 SQLite 文件.
There's no database name in SQLite because there's only one database per file. Maybe what you want to do is rename the SQLite file instead.