







By all means continue to develop against SQLlite, and you're probably fine to use it initially. If you find your application has more users down the track, you're going to want to transition to postgres or mysql however.

The author of SQLlite addresses this on the website:

So I think the long and short of it is, go for it, and if it's not working well for you, making the transition to an enterprise class database is fairly trivial anyway. Do take care over your schema however, and design your database with growth and efficiency in mind.

Here's a thread with some more independent comments around using SQLite for a production web application. It sounds like it has been used with some mixed results.

Edit (2014):

Since this answer was posted, SQLite now features a multi-threaded mode and write ahead logging mode which may influence your evaluation of it's suitability for low-medium traffic sites.

Charles Leifer has written a blog post about SQLite's WAL (write ahead logging) feature and some well considered opinions on appropriate usecases.


10-31 18:31