

好像我还没有清楚地传达我的问题。我需要发送(使用AJAX)的文件,我需要得到使用 Nginx的HttpUploadProgressModule 文件的上传进度。我需要一个很好的解决了这个问题。我曾尝试与jquery.uploadprogress插件,但我发现自己不得不重写大部分是得到它在所有浏览器工作,使用AJAX来发送文件。

It seems like I have not clearly communicated my problem. I need to send a file (using AJAX) and I need to get the upload progress of the file using the Nginx HttpUploadProgressModule. I need a good solution to this problem. I have tried with the jquery.uploadprogress plugin, but I am finding myself having to rewrite much of it to get it to work in all browsers and to send the file using AJAX.


All I need is the code to do this and it needs to work in all major browsers (Chrome, Safari, FireFox, and IE). It would be even better If I could get a solution that will handle multiple file uploads.

我使用的是 jquery.uploadprogress插件来从一个文件的上传进度NginxHttpUploadProgressModule。这是一个iframe的Facebook应用程序中。它工作在Firefox,但它无法在镀铬/ Safari浏览器。



Uploading files is actually possible with AJAX these days. Yes, AJAX, not some crappy AJAX wannabes like swf or java.

这个例子可以帮助你: HTTP://js1.hotblocks .NL /测试/ AJAX /文件拖放drop.html

This example might help you out: http://js1.hotblocks.nl/tests/ajax/file-drag-drop.html


(It also includes the drag/drop interface but that's easily ignored.)


Basically what it comes down to is this:

<input id="files" type="file" />

document.getElementById('files').addEventListener('change', function(e) {
    var file = this.files[0];
    var xhr = new XMLHttpRequest();
    (xhr.upload || xhr).addEventListener('progress', function(e) {
        var done = e.position || e.loaded
        var total = e.totalSize || e.total;
        console.log('xhr progress: ' + Math.round(done/total*100) + '%');
    xhr.addEventListener('load', function(e) {
        console.log('xhr upload complete', e, this.responseText);
    xhr.open('post', '/URL-HERE', true);

(演示: http://jsfiddle.net/rudiedirkx/jzxmro8r/


So basically what it comes down to is this =)



Where file is typeof Blob: http://www.w3.org/TR/FileAPI/

另一个(更好的IMO)的方法是使用 FORMDATA 。这可以让你1)命名的文件,就像在一个表格2)发送其他的东西(文件太),喜欢的形式。

Another (better IMO) way is to use FormData. This allows you to 1) name a file, like in a form and 2) send other stuff (files too), like in a form.

var fd = new FormData;
fd.append('photo1', file);
fd.append('photo2', file2);
fd.append('other_data', 'foo bar');

FORMDATA 使服务器code更清洁,更向下兼容(因为要求,现在有完全一样的格式正常形式)。

FormData makes the server code cleaner and more backward compatible (since the request now has the exact same format as normal forms).

所有的一切是不是实验,但很现代。铬8+和Firefox 4+知道该怎么做,但我不知道任何人。

All of it is not experimental, but very modern. Chrome 8+ and Firefox 4+ know what to do, but I don't know about any others.


This is how I handled the request (1 image per request) in PHP:

if ( isset($_FILES['file']) ) {
    $filename = basename($_FILES['file']['name']);
    $error = true;

    // Only upload if on my home win dev machine
    if ( isset($_SERVER['WINDIR']) ) {
        $path = 'uploads/'.$filename;
        $error = !move_uploaded_file($_FILES['file']['tmp_name'], $path);

    $rsp = array(
        'error' => $error, // Used in JS
        'filename' => $filename,
        'filepath' => '/tests/uploads/' . $filename, // Web accessible
    echo json_encode($rsp);


08-20 09:28