We had an international customer ask about some Safari behavior of
Content-Disposition: attachment; filename=<customer file name>.pdf
We hadn't been testing international uses of our pdf writing functions, and they saw Safari behaving oddly for them. That started off a mini-odyssey for me today looking into this.
Specifically, when the customer had Safari on a mac configured for English, our Japanese-named pdf saved just fine (with the default behavior of Asp.Net/IIS, serializing that field as raw utf-8). But when they configured their browser to be in Japanese, the file name came out as each serialized utf-8 character being treated as Ascii.
一些快速使用Google搜索功能的人引用了很多有关Rfc5987和Rfc8187的内容,并在这里和其他地方发表了很多关于如何相对于Content-Disposition实现的文章:filename = ...
Some quick googling got piles of references to Rfc5987 and Rfc8187 and lots of posts here and elsewhere on how those get implemented vis a vis Content-Disposition: filename=...
Problem is a lot of those posts are from 2007-2015.
我开始在最新的Chrome版本,最新的Firefox版本,IE 11和Edge(我没有配备Safari的Mac)上尝试许多Rfc5987/8187实施建议,以下是我发现的内容:
I started trying out a lot of those Rfc5987/8187 implementation suggestions on the latest Chrome build, the latest Firefox build, IE 11 and Edge (I don't have a mac with Safari handy) and here's what I found:
- IE11和Edge可以识别filename =是否经过url编码并对其进行解码.其他浏览器不会.
- Mac上的IE11,Edge和Safari(以英语配置)将接受filename = raw utf-8,并将其正确处理为日语名称
- Safari(使用日语配置)以及Firefox和Chrome将采用filename = raw utf-8作为一串ascii字符
- 不是一个浏览器我已经实现了Rfc5987/8187的任何一个.不是功能.
- IE11 and Edge will recognize if filename= is url encoded and decode it. Other browsers won't.
- IE11, Edge, and Safari on mac (configured in English) will accept filename= raw utf-8 and will process it properly to a Japanese name
- Safari (configured with Japanese) and Firefox and Chrome will take filename = raw utf-8 as a string of ascii characters
- Not one browser I have implemented any of Rfc5987/8187. Not a feature.
- filename = [URL编码版本] .pdf;
- filename * = utf-8''[URL编码版本] .pdf(在小写字母不起作用时也为UTF-8)
- filename = [原始和网址编码] .pdf;filename * = utf-8''[URL编码] .pdf
在我手头的所有浏览器中,文件名*值都被完全忽略.filename = ...;filename * =将; filename * = ...运行到生成的文件名中.
Just filename* values were completely ignored in all the browser I had on hand. filename=...; filename*= ran the ;filename*=... into the resulting filename.
简而言之,没有一个浏览器可以实现Rfc 8187的任何版本.
In short not a single browser of the 4 appeared to implement any bit of Rfc 8187.
但是我看到了对Asp.Net Core(我们目前不使用)的引用,在其ContentDispositionHeader对象模型中有一个FileNameStar成员,所以让我认为必须实现Rfc 8187.
But I've seen references to Asp.Net Core (which we don't currently use) having a FileNameStar member in their ContentDispositionHeader object model, so that makes me think something out there must be implementing Rfc 8187.
But all of the posts I've seen seem to peter out around 2015 and none of the things I find in them appear to be working in the browsers I have available.
Does anyone have any more current ideas on how to get browsers to process international character sets in Content-Disposition: filename= values?
我的意思是,到目前为止,人们报告的唯一问题是将Firefox和Safari配置为 not 美国英语.在许多情况下,仅仅做自然而然的事情似乎是可行的.
I mean, so far the only problems people have reported are with Firefox and Safari configured to something not US English; just doing what comes naturally seems to be working in a lot of situations.
But it would be nice to know how to do it "correctly."
examples of output I tried
Content-Disposition: attachment; filename*=utf-8''%e6%8e%a1%e7%94%a8%e3%81%ab%e9%96%a2%e3%81%99%e3%82%8b%e5%90%84%e7%a8%ae%e6%9b%b8%e9%a1%9e.pdf
No browser read that correctly. All just substituted "download" as the name.
Content-Disposition: attachment; filename=Fred.pdf; filename*=utf-8''%e6%8e%a1%e7%94%a8%e3%81%ab%e9%96%a2%e3%81%99%e3%82%8b%e5%90%84%e7%a8%ae%e6%9b%b8%e9%a1%9e.pdf
经过测试的所有浏览器都产生了一个名为"Fred.pdf; filename * = utf-8''blahblahblah的文件
All browsers tested produced a file named "Fred.pdf; filename*=utf-8''blahblahblah"
Content-Disposition: attachment; filename="Fred.pdf"; filename*=utf-8''%e6%8e%a1%e7%94%a8%e3%81%ab%e9%96%a2%e3%81%99%e3%82%8b%e5%90%84%e7%a8%ae%e6%9b%b8%e9%a1%9e.pdf
Also tried all of the above with UTF-8 instead of utf-8.
所有当前的浏览器都实现RFC 8187-您可能做错了.如果您发布了由代码生成的示例字段值,将会很有帮助.
All current browsers implement RFC 8187 - you probably did something wrong. It would be helpful if you posted an example field value generated by your code.