


ChromeDriver 是一个独立的服务器,它实现了 W3C WebDriver 标准

看起来 W3C WebDriver 标准只定义了自动化程序和 Chromedriver 之间的接口.Chromedriver 充当 HTTP 服务器,从自动化程序中获取命令.

It looks like W3C WebDriver standard only defines the interface between the automation program and Chromedriver. Chromedriver act as a HTTP server to get the command from automation program.

但是 ChromeDriver 是如何与 Chrome 通信的呢?

But how does ChromeDriver communicate with Chrome?

仍然通过 HTTP 协议?

Still through HTTP protocol?

如果是,我们从哪里可以获得有关详细信息的文档?Chrome 内部的哪个组件负责处理来自 Chromedriver 的命令?它是内置在 chrome 中还是只是 Chrome 的扩展?

If yes, where could we get the documentation about the details? And what component inside of Chrome is in charge of handling the command from Chromedriver? Is it built in chrome or just an extension of Chrome?



To make it easy to find, I move the anwser here from comments.

Chrome驱动通过基于websocket的Chrome DevTools Protocol控制Chrome浏览器.这篇文章 提供更多细节

Chrome driver controls Chrome browser through Chrome DevTools Protocol which is based on websocket. This article gives more details


07-18 22:15