


I'm such an amateur at regex, how do I allow spaces(doesn't matter how many) in this regex?

if(preg_match('/[^A-Za-z0-9_-]/', $str)) return FALSE;


if(preg_match('/[^A-Za-z0-9_ -]/', $str)) return FALSE;


Note that I put the space before the hyphen. If the space were after the hyphen, I would be specifying a character range from underscore to space. (Issue also evadable by putting a backslash before the hyphen to escape it.)

这假设您所说的允许"是指:此正则表达式用于验证字符串,如果它匹配,则该字符串被禁止em>(因此 return FALSE).所以否定字符类([^...])中的字符实际上是允许的字符.(这在这个问题中引起了一些普遍的混淆.)

This is assuming that what you mean by "allow" is: this regex is being used to validate a character string, and if it matches, then the character string is disallowed (hence return FALSE). So the characters in the negated character class ([^...]) are actually the allowed characters. (This is causing some general confusion in this question.)


08-14 22:29