


What is the best/recommended manner in which to insert a 'pause' with each enumeration over a set of elements using the jQuery '.each()'?

$( '.someClass' ).each( function() {
    $( this ).trigger( 'click' ); //fire some request that appends a new div on the body
    //wait for div to be appended to the DOM.  perhaps use the pause here
    //execute code once the div has been appended


从技术上讲,你不能这样做在您的代码中建模,因为JavaScript是单线程的,并且通常在浏览器(或选项卡)UI线程上运行 - 任何睡眠/延迟都会阻止浏览器重绘页面,也会阻止用户与页面交互。

Technically, you can't do this as you have modeled in your code, since JavaScript is single-threaded, and usually runs on the browser (or tab) UI thread -- any sleep/delay will block the browser from redrawing the page and will also prevent user interaction with the page.


You need to arrange for the browser to invoke your code periodically. Something like this will do the trick:

var objects = $.makeArray($( '.someClass' ));

var callback;

callback = function() {
    var item = objects.shift();

    // Do something with item.

    if (objects.length != 0) {
        setTimeout(callback, 5000);

setTimeout(callback, 5000);



This solution assumes that you want each item to be processed 5 seconds from the time that the last item finished processing. This means that:

  1. 如果您在处理每个 confirm()或其他内容时item,下一个项目将在用户关闭对话框5秒后处理。

  2. 总执行时间为(5000N + T)其中N是项目数初始列表,T是处理每个项目所需的总时间。

  1. If you do confirm() or something while processing each item, the next item will be processed 5 seconds from the time that the user closes the dialog.
  2. The total execution time will be (5000N + T) where N is the number of items in the initial list, and T is the total time it takes to process each item.


Here's a function you can use that encapsulates this functionality:

jQuery.eachWithDelay = function(sequence, delay, callback) {
    var objects = jQuery.makeArray(sequence);

    if (objects.length == 0) {

    var f;

    f = function() {
        var item = objects.shift();

        if (callback(item) && objects.length != 0) {
            setTimeout(f, delay);

    setTimeout(f, delay);


$.eachWithDelay($('.someClass'), 5000, function(item) {
    // Do something with item

    return true; // Return true to continue iterating, or false to stop.



08-26 08:26