本文介绍了ASP.NET MVC - 国家与建筑的处理方法,对大家解决问题具有一定的参考价值,需要的朋友们下面随着小编来一起学习吧!



问:是否有在ASP.NET MVC中任何其它所需的方式比写入数据库或文本文件,保留国家等。

我要在这里定义状态,以表示我们的人对象的集合,我们创建了一个新的,并转到另一页,并期望看到新创建人。 (所以没有阿贾克斯)



The example you provided is pretty easy to do without any sort of "view state kung fu" using capabilities that are already in MVC. "User adds a person and sees that on the next screen." Let me code up a simple PersonController that does exactly what you want:

public ActionResult Add()
    return View(new Person());

public ActionResult Add(PersonViewModel myNewPersonViewModel)
    //validate, user entered everything correctly
        return View();

    //map model to my database/entity/domain object
    var myNewPerson = new Person()
        FirstName = myNewPersonViewModel.FirstName,
        LastName = myNewPersonViewModel.LastName

    // 1. maintains person state, sends the user to the next view in the chain
    // using same action
        var persons = MyDataLayer.GetPersons();

        return View("PersonGrid", persons);

    //2. pass along the unique id of person to a different action or controller
    //yes, another database call, but probably not a big deal
        return RedirecToAction("PersonGrid", ...etc pass the int as route value);

    return View("PersonSaveError", myNewPersonViewModel);

Now, what I'm sensing is that you want person on yet another page after PersonSaveSuccess or something else. In that case, you probably want to use TempData[""] which is a single serving session and only saves state from one request to another or manage the traditional Session[""] yourself somehow.

What is confusing to me is you're probably going to the db to get all your persons anyway. If you save a person it should be in your persons collection in the next call to your GetPersons(). If you're not using Ajax, than what state are you trying to persist?

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09-05 22:19