


I'm trying to learn ember.js and having a difficult time trying to make the connection between it all. I've gone through the tutorials provided on ember.js, but still a bit confused.


The model contains the data that will be saved on the server. The controller has access to the model's data and can decorate it (add its on display data) and send that to the template itself.


In the examples, they use the route class to actually get the data from the model. They associate the route with a model and just call .find() and that find() return you the list of data from the model.


I'm only using one route in my example:


  1. 来自控制器的模型的数据

  2. 控制器可以从多个模型获取数据吗?如果是这样,那么这个怎么做?

  3. 如果控制器有多个与之相关的功能,那么你如何在模板中触发正确的功能。


Any examples would help... I've been searching around and in most cases they deal with the simple case where there is one controller linked with one model and the controller is linked with one template. What happens if the template wants to use more then one controller?


In Reference to Mike's example of Template to multiple controllers:


  <script type="text/x-handlebars" id="index">
     <div {{action getMessage}} > </div>
     <div {{action getTest}} > </div>

     {{#each App.menuController}}

  // app.js

  App.ChatController = Ember.Controller.extend({
     getMessage: function() { alert("getMessage Called"); }

  App.MenuOption = Ember.Object.extend({
    title: null,
    idName: null

  App.MenuController = Ember.ArrayController.create({
  init : function()
        // create an instance of the Song model
        for(var i=0; i<menuOptions.length; i++) {

  getTest: function() { alert("getTest Called"); }

App.Router.map(function () {
  this.resource('index', { path: '/' });

App.IndexRoute = Ember.Route.extend({
  model: function () {
    return ['a','b', 'c' ];
  setupController: function(controller, model) {
        controller.set('content', model);


App.IndexController = Ember.Controller.extend({
  needs: "index"


From the above, as you can see I have one route "index." Within the default index template, I'm trying to figure out how to call multiple controller's action. In this case, I want to call "getMessage" which belong to App.ChatController & "getTest" which belong to App.MenuController. Currently, the "getTest" is not defined for the template's controller "index" and has not be defined by the IndexRoute as well. So do you use "needs" to link the MenuController to the IndexController so i can call the controller's getTest Method.

更新----------- -----------------------

Updated ----------------------------------


App.IndexRoute = Ember.Route.extend({
  model: function () {
    return ['a','b', 'c' ];
  renderTemplate: function () {
        this.render('menu', { outlet: 'menu', into: 'application', controller: App.menuController });
        this.render('userList', { outlet: 'userList', into: 'application', controller: App.UserListController });


This allowed me to specify a specific controller for each specific rendering.


Any advice appreciated,Thanks,D


默认情况下,路由的模型(由路线的模型钩子)将被注入到控制器中,并且可以通过控制器的内容属性(也被别名为 model )。

By default, a route's model (the object retured by the route's model hook) will be injected into the controller and can be accessed via the controller's content property (also aliased as model).

是的,这是可能的。可以在路由器的 setupController 钩子的控制器上设置其他模型。那就是说在大多数情况下你会想使用多个控制器。

Yes it is possible. Additional models can be set on a controller from a route's setupController hook. That said in most cases you will want to use multiple controllers.

通过句柄触发控制器功能 {{action}} helper。该帮助器的第一个参数是要触发的函数的名称。所以 {{actionsave}} 将触发控制器的保存函数和 {{动作取消}} 触发取消功能。

Controller functions are triggered via the handlebars {{action}} helper. The first parameter to that helper is the name of the function to trigger. So {{action "save"}} will trigger the controller's save function and {{action "cancel"}} triggers the cancel function.


The reason it's hard to find examples like that is because it's not a best practice. For sure it is possible to have one controller linked to multiple models or a template that uses multiple controllers but it's just not a good idea.


Technically this could be done by using global variables but please don't. Controllers are very lightweight. Each template gets it's own controller. If a template needs data from other controllers then it's controller should make that data available. This can be done via the needs property. See managing dependencies between controllers

  {{each message in messages}}
    {{message.username}}: {{message.text}}
  {{input valueBinding="text"}}
  <button {{action send}}>Send</button>

  App.ChatController = Ember.Controller.extend({
    needs: ['messages', 'currentUser'],
    messagesBinding: 'controllers.messages'
    send: function() {
      var message = App.Message.createRecord({
        username: this.get('username'),
        text: this.get('text')
      this.set('text', '');


08-26 02:27