所以我们可以很容易地在 Prolog 中找到一个原子并将其替换为另一个原子,方法如下:
So we can easily find and replace an atom with another atom in Prolog by doing something like:
replace([H|T],A,B,[B|Result]) :-
replace([H|T],A,B,[H|Result]) :-
I'm sure there are other ways to do this too.
但是,我想在计算逻辑上做一些更复杂的事情.你会如何做一些事情,比如用 (x,y) 替换逻辑语句中像 conj(x,y)
这样的连词?所以它就像 final 和 replace 但不是用原子.所以我们可以有类似 reduce(conj(conj(x,y),z)).
的东西,我想减少到 ((x,y),z)
However, I want to do something more complicated in logic in computing. How would you do something like replacing conjunctions like conj(x,y)
in a logical statement with just (x,y)? So it's like final and replace but not with atoms. So we could have something like reduce(conj(conj(x,y),z)).
that I would want reducing to ((x,y),z)
This is a simple example with only conjunctions but this is what I want to happen in the case of conjunctions. If anyone's interested, this is all about descriptive logic and the tableau method.
当输入实际上不是列表时,我对如何进行查找和替换感到困惑;这是一个结构.我不知道如何在不使用带有递归和列表的标准 [H|T]
What I'm confused about it how you go about doing a find and replace when the input isn't actually a list; it's a structure. I don't see how you can solve this without using the standard [H|T]
trick with recursion and lists. Has anyone got any ideas?
This is done in a straightforward way by writing a meta-interpreter, such as the following:
replace(V, V) :-
% pass vars through
var(V), !.
replace(A, A) :-
% pass atoms through
atomic(A), !.
replace([], []) :-
% pass empty lists through
replace([X|Xs], [Y|Ys]) :-
% recursively enter non-empty lists
replace(X, Y),
replace(Xs, Ys).
replace(conj(X,Y), (NX,NY)) :-
% CUSTOM replacement clause for conj/2
replace(X, NX),
replace(Y, NY).
replace(T, NT) :-
% finally, recursively enter any as yet unmatched compound term
T =.. [F|AL],
replace(AL, NAL),
NT =.. [F|NAL].
注意倒数第二个子句,它用于执行将 conj/2
替换为连词 ,/2
的所有其他子句)将递归解构任何 PROLOG 术语,因为我们已经涵盖了所有类型;变量、原子和复合术语(包括明确的列表).
Note the second last clause, which serves to perform a replacement of your specific case of replacing conj/2
with conjunction, ,/2
. You can add as many other clauses in the same manner as this to perform term replacement in general, because the rest of the definition (all other clauses of replace/2
) here will recursively deconstruct any PROLOG term, as we've covered all the types; vars, atoms, and compound terms (including lists explicitly).
Executing this in your case gives us:
?- replace(conj(conj(x,y),z), NewTerm).
NewTerm = ((x, y), z).
Note that this definition will perform the correct replacement of any terms nested to arbitrary depth within another term.
这篇关于非平凡的 Prolog 查找和替换的文章就介绍到这了,希望我们推荐的答案对大家有所帮助,也希望大家多多支持!