


public class KeyDTO<T>
     public T Id { get; set; }

到目前为止,还不错,但是我希望类型参数 T 是不可为空的类型.我在某处读到这可能是可行的:

So far so good, but I want the type parameter T to be a non-nullable type.I've read somewhere that this may be feasible:

public class KeyDTO<T> where T : IComparable, IComparable<T>
     public T Id { get; set; }

但是,如果我将public T Id更改为public T? Id,则会收到编译错误,告诉我T必须不可为空.

But, If i change public T Id to public T? Id, I get a compilation error telling me that T must be non-nullable.


How can I specify that a generic type parameter must be non-nullable?


I want to accomplish this because I want to annotate my Id property with the [Required] attribute as follows:

public class KeyDTO<T> {
    public T Id { get; set; }


What [Required] does is validate the model so T cannot be null.


However, if I have KeyDTO<int>, Id will be initialized to 0, bypassing my [Required] attribute


应用where T : struct会应用通用约束,即T是不可为空的值类型.由于没有不可空的引用类型,因此它具有与所有不可空的类型"完全相同的语义.可空值类型(即Nullable<T>)不满足struct通用约束.

Applying where T : struct applies a generic constraint that T be a non-nullable value type. Since there are no non-nullable reference types, this has the exact same semantics as simply "all non-nullable types". Nullable value types (i.e. Nullable<T>) do not satisfy the struct generic constraint.


08-03 17:05