我最近收到了下面一段代码,作为一个谜题,以帮助理解 OOP - C# 中的多态和继承.
I was recently given the following piece of code as a sort-of puzzle to help understand Polymorphism and Inheritance in OOP - C#.
// No compiling!
public class A
public virtual string GetName()
return "A";
public class B:A
public override string GetName()
return "B";
public class C:B
public new string GetName()
return "C";
void Main()
A instance = new C();
// No compiling!
Now, after a long, long chat with the other developer who presented the puzzle, I know what the output is, but I won't spoil it for you. The only issue I'm really having is how we get to that output, how the code steps through, what's inheriting what, etc.
我认为 C
会返回,因为这似乎是定义的类.然后我仔细考虑了是否会返回 B
因为 C 继承了 B
- 但 B
也继承了 A
I thought C
would be returned as that seems to be the class that is defined. Then I went through my head as to whether B
would be returned because C inherits B
- but B
also inherits A
(which is where I got confused!).
Could anyone explain how polymorphism and inheritance play their part in retrieving the output, eventually displayed on screen?
The correct way to think about this is to imagine that every class requires its objects to have a certain number of "slots"; those slots are filled with methods. The question "what method actually gets called?" requires you to figure out two things:
- 每个插槽的内容是什么?
- 调用哪个插槽?
让我们从考虑插槽开始.有两个插槽.A 的所有实例都需要有一个我们称之为 GetNameSlotA 的插槽.C 的所有实例都需要有一个我们称之为 GetNameSlotC 的插槽.这就是 C 语言声明中new"的意思——它的意思是我想要一个新的插槽".相对于B中声明上的覆盖",意思是我不想要一个新的插槽,我想重新使用GetNameSlotA".
Let's start by considering the slots. There are two slots. All instances of A are required to have a slot we'll call GetNameSlotA. All instances of C are required to have a slot we'll call GetNameSlotC. That's what the "new" means on the declaration in C -- it means "I want a new slot". Compared to the "override" on the declaration in B, which means "I do not want a new slot, I want to re-use GetNameSlotA".
当然,C继承自A,所以C也必须有一个槽GetNameSlotA.因此,C 的实例有两个槽——GetNameSlotA 和GetNameSlotC.不是 C 的 A 或 B 的实例有一个槽 GetNameSlotA.
Of course, C inherits from A, so C must also have a slot GetNameSlotA. Therefore, instances of C have two slots -- GetNameSlotA, and GetNameSlotC. Instances of A or B which are not C have one slot, GetNameSlotA.
现在,当您创建一个新的 C 时,这两个插槽中的内容是什么?共有三种方法,我们将它们称为 GetNameA、GetNameB 和 GetNameC.
Now, what goes into those two slots when you create a new C? There are three methods, which we'll call GetNameA, GetNameB, and GetNameC.
A 的声明说将 GetNameA 放入 GetNameSlotA".A 是 C 的超类,所以 A 的规则适用于 C.
The declaration of A says "put GetNameA in GetNameSlotA". A is a superclass of C, so A's rule applies to C.
B 的声明说将 GetNameB 放入 GetNameSlotA".B 是 C 的超类,所以 B 的规则适用于 C 的实例.现在我们有 A 和 B 之间的冲突.B 是更派生的类型,所以它赢了 -- B 的规则覆盖 A 的规则.因此在声明中使用了覆盖"一词.
The declaration of B says "put GetNameB in GetNameSlotA". B is a superclass of C, so B's rule applies to instances of C. Now we have a conflict between A and B. B is the more derived type, so it wins -- B's rule overrides A's rule. Hence the word "override" in the declaration.
C 的声明表示将 GetNameC 放入 GetNameSlotC".
The declaration of C says "put GetNameC in GetNameSlotC".
因此,您的新 C 将有两个插槽.GetNameSlotA 将包含 GetNameB,GetNameSlotC 将包含 GetNameC.
Therefore, your new C will have two slots. GetNameSlotA will contain GetNameB and GetNameSlotC will contain GetNameC.
We've now determined what methods are in what slots, so we've answered our first question.
Now we have to answer the second question. What slot is called?
把它想象成你是编译器.你有一个变量.您所知道的只是它的类型为 A.您需要解析对该变量的方法调用.您查看 A 上可用的插槽,您能找到的唯一匹配的插槽是 GetNameSlotA.您不知道 GetNameSlotC,因为您只有一个类型为 A 的变量;为什么要寻找仅适用于 C 的插槽?
Think about it like you're the compiler. You have a variable. All you know about it is that it is of type A. You're asked to resolve a method call on that variable. You look at the slots available on an A, and the only slot you can find that matches is GetNameSlotA. You don't know about GetNameSlotC, because you only have a variable of type A; why would you look for slots that only apply to C?
因此,这是对 GetNameSlotA 中任何内容的调用.我们已经确定在运行时,GetNameB 将在该槽中.因此,这是对 GetNameB 的调用.
Therefore this is a call to whatever is in GetNameSlotA. We've already determined that at runtime, GetNameB will be in that slot. Therefore, this is a call to GetNameB.
这里的关键要点是在 C# 重载解析中选择一个槽并生成对该槽中发生的任何内容的调用.
The key takeaway here is that in C# overload resolution chooses a slot and generates a call to whatever happens to be in that slot.
这篇关于为什么这个多态 C# 代码打印它的作用?的文章就介绍到这了,希望我们推荐的答案对大家有所帮助,也希望大家多多支持!