

适用于Mac的PHPStorm 8.0.3想要告诉我有关JavaScript中缺少分号的信息.我不希望PHPStorm这样做.

PHPStorm 8.0.3 for Mac wants to tell me about missing semicolons in my JavaScript. I don't want PHPStorm to do this.

此博客页面说. ..


Later, the blog indicates that "The full list of built-in inspections is available in Preferences | Inspections", but I can find no mention of semicolons in any of the subcategories of the 14 inspection categories.


Is PHPStorm intransigent about semicolons?


无论何时要调整或禁用检查,只需将光标放在警告上,然后按 + .这将打开一个弹出窗口,其中包含一些建议,其中包含可供检查的菜单项.在您的情况下,检查称为Unterminated statement,可在JavaScript > Code style issues > Unterminated statement下找到.您可以从弹出子菜单中选择Disable inspection将其禁用,而无需打开设置对话框.您也可以选择Edit inspection profile setting在正确的位置打开设置对话框.

Whenever you want to adjust or disable an inspection, simply put your cursor on the warning and press + . This will open a popup with some suggestions, containing a menu item for available inspections. In your case, the inspection is called Unterminated statement and can be found under JavaScript > Code style issues > Unterminated statement. You can select Disable inspection from the popup submenu to disable it without ever opening the settings dialog. You can also select Edit inspection profile setting to open the settings dialog at the right place.


07-23 02:02