我有一个 wordpress 简码,其中包含一些其他简码.执行第一个短代码时,我想使用正则表达式过滤掉其他短代码.
I have a wordpress shortcode which contains some other shortcodes inside it. When the first shortcode is executed i want to filter out other shortcodes using a regex.
[sub_code id='testid']test content[/sub_code]
[sub_code id='testid' name='testname']test content[/sub_code]
当我执行 main_code 时,我想将 sub_code 过滤到一个数组中并访问其属性,而不将 sub_code 作为短代码执行.
When i execute the main_code i want to filter the sub_code into an array and access its attributes without executing sub_code as a shortcode.
Anyone who has knowledge to give me a solution is highly appriciated.
If you want to match the inner parts, then I'd advise:
preg_match_all('~\[sub_code([^\[\]]*)]([^\[\]]+)\[/sub_code]~', $content, $result);
The [^\[\]]
matches any content without square brackets. So it's ensured no other shortcodes can exist within.
这篇关于使用正则表达式识别 wordpress 短代码的文章就介绍到这了,希望我们推荐的答案对大家有所帮助,也希望大家多多支持!