What should I do if I have two libraries that provide functions with equivalent names?
- 如果你控制一个或两个:编辑之一更改名称并重新编译或等价看到和的答案,将工作的没有访问源$ C $ C。
- 如果你不控制其中任何一个你可以用其中的一个。这是编译的其他的(静态链接!)库,什么也不做,除了转口贸易原来所有的符号,除了违规之一,它是通过包装达到与备用名称。什么麻烦。
- 以后添加:由于qeek说,他在谈论动态库,这些解决方案通过的和可能是最好的。 (我好像活在以前长天,当静态链接是默认的,它的颜色我的想法。)
- If you control one or both: edit one to change the name and recompile Or equivalently see Ben and unknown's answers which will work without access to the source code.
- If you don't control either of them you can wrap one of them up. That is compile another (statically linked!) library that does nothing except re-export all the symbols of the original except the offending one, which is reached through a wrapper with an alternate name. What a hassle.
- Added later: Since qeek says he's talking about dynamic libraries, the solutions suggested by Ferruccio and mouviciel are probably best. (I seem to live in long ago days when static linkage was the default. It colors my thinking.)
Apropos the comments: By "export" I mean to make visible to modules linking to the library---equivalent to the extern
keyword at file scope. How this is controlled is OS and linker dependent. And it is something I always have to look up.