问题:在实际发送请求之前,有没有办法查看将通过PHP SoapClient函数调用创建的XML?
The question:Is there a way to view the XML that would be created with a PHP SoapClient function call BEFORE you actually send the request?
I am new to WSDL communication, and I have a client who wants me to develop in PHP, a way to communicate with a WSDL service written in ASP.NET. I have gotten pretty far, but am running into an issue when it comes to passing a complex type. I have tried a couple of different things so far.
1) Setting up a single array such as $params->Person->name
2)设置单个阵列$Person = array('name'=>"joe",'address' = "123");
然后作为参数"Person"传递到调用中=> $ Person;和其他一些.但是每次我得到错误
then passing into the call as a param "Person" => $Person;and a few others. But every time I get the error
为了进一步进行故障排除,我想查看正在发送的XML文档,以查看它是否正在按照我期望的方式创建复杂类型.我正在使用$client = new SoapClient('wsdldoc.asmx?WSDL');
看到它,但它从未进入__getLastRequest,因为调用CreateUser($ params)时会遇到致命错误.
In order to further the troubleshooting, I would like to see the XML document that is being sent to see if it is creating a complex type in the way I am expecting it to.I am creating the service using $client = new SoapClient('wsdldoc.asmx?WSDL');
calling it with $client->CreateUser($params);
and then trying to see it using the function $client->__getLastRequest();
but it never makes it to the __getLastRequest because it hits a fatal error when calling CreateUser($params).
问题再次出现:有什么方法可以查看由CreateUser($ params)调用创建的XML,而无需实际发送它并导致致命错误
The question again:Is there any way to view the XML created by the CreateUser($params) call WITHOUT actually sending it and causing a fatal error
前言:为了使用 __getLastRequest()
Upfront remark: In order to use the __getLastRequest()
method successfully, you have to set the 'trace' option to true on client construction:
$client = new SoapClient('wsdldoc.asmx?WSDL', array('trace' => TRUE));
之后检查发送的xml .
This way, your request will still be sent (and therefore still fail), but you can inspect the sent xml afterwards by calling $client->__getLastRequest()
要在发送请求之前/不发送之前访问生成的XML,您需要对SoapClient进行子类化以覆盖 __doRequest()
To get access to the generated XML before/without sending the request, you'd need to subclass the SoapClient in order to override the __doRequest()
class SoapClientDebug extends SoapClient
public function __doRequest($request, $location, $action, $version, $one_way = 0) {
// Add code to inspect/dissect/debug/adjust the XML given in $request here
// Uncomment the following line, if you actually want to do the request
// return parent::__doRequest($request, $location, $action, $version, $one_way);
You'd then use this extended class instead of the original SoapClient while debugging your problem.
这篇关于在发送请求之前/不发送请求之前,检查由PHP SoapClient调用创建的XML的文章就介绍到这了,希望我们推荐的答案对大家有所帮助,也希望大家多多支持!