$ b 1)我正在尝试为web嵌入做准备,因此文件越小,客户端越容易。
- 接受源字体
- 接受包含要使用的所有字符的文件。它可以是一个翻译文件,字符串资产文件,HTML文件等。
- 输出一个字体, / ul>
#!/ usr / bin / python2
import sys
import fontforge
$ b $ if len(sys.argv)== 4:
font = fontforge.open(sys.argv [1])$ (UTF-8):
f = open(sys.argv [2],r)
b font.selection [ord(i)] = True
for font.selection .byGlyphs:
font.generate(sys.argv [3])
printWARNING:Check the license of在分发由此脚本生成的输出字体之前,请使用源字体。\\\
print用法:{} [源字体] [带有字形的文件不能被删除]格式(sys.argv [0])
print例子:{} /path/to/ukai.ttc chineseTranslation.txt ukaiStripped.ttf.format(sys.argv [0])
I can't quite believe this question hasn't been asked specifically for OpenType fonts, but does anyone know of a way to remove glyphs from these fonts?
I have an .OTF with a very large file-size (almost 10MB) and I need to make it smaller. The reasons are two fold.
1) I'm trying to prepare it for web embedding, so the smaller the files, the easier for the client.
2) Font Squirrel (used for easy preparation of font files) has a 2MB upload limit - I know there are alternatives, but none so far have been successful. To save wasting peoples time, the ones I've tried that have failed are http://fontface.codeandmore.com/ and http://www.font2web.com/. CodeAndMore.com appears to work, but the fonts it spits back out are completely different to the one I gave it.
Please be aware I'm not a font expert, so go easy on the answer.
解决方案Created an account for answering this question. I know that it's an old question. But it's better to have a late answer than having no answer.
I've just run into a similar issue. Apparently, there is no Googlable solution. Therefore, I've written a Python2 script with fontforge library does the following:
- Accepts a source font
- Accepts a file containing all characters to be used. It can be a translation file, string asset file, HTML file, etc.
- Output a font with characters that aren't shown in the file removed
Here is the code:
#!/usr/bin/python2 import sys import fontforge if len(sys.argv) == 4: font = fontforge.open(sys.argv[1]) f = open(sys.argv[2], "r") for i in f.read().decode("UTF-8"): font.selection[ord(i)] = True f.close() font.selection.invert() for i in font.selection.byGlyphs: font.removeGlyph(i) font.generate(sys.argv[3]) else: print "WARNING: Check the license of the source font\nbefore distributing the output font generated by this script.\nI'm not responsible for any legal issue caused by\ninappropriate use of this script!\n" print "Usage: {} [source font] [file with glyphs NOT to be removed] [output]".format(sys.argv[0]) print "Example: {} /path/to/ukai.ttc chineseTranslation.txt ukaiStripped.ttf".format(sys.argv[0])
Please notice that it may not be legal to use this script on certain fonts. Ensure to checkout the license of the source font. I'm not responsible for any legal issue caused by using any font generated by this script.