从价格中计算税款很容易:I'm trying to calculate american Tax. The store in Florida is causing me some headaches.There is a state tax of 6% and a city tax of 1% but only on the first $5000It's easy to work out the tax from the price:var total = taxRates.sum(t=>t.rate * Math.Min(t.MaxAmount??Price, Price)) 这适用于所有税率和类型。例如,英国的税收。 TaxRates列表中只有1个税率,MaxAmount将为null。 他是个问题。我有包含税的金额,我必须想出一个通用的计算Price ex的方法。税。 任何想法? 我尝试过: 我目前计算出费率的门槛并迭代费率: IE考虑以下佛罗里达州的例子:This works with all tax rates and types. UK tax for eg. will only have 1 tax rate in the TaxRates list and the MaxAmount will be null.He's the issue. I have the amount including tax and I have to come up with a one-size-fits-all method of calculating the Price ex. Tax.Any ideas?What I have tried:I currently work out the threshold of the rate and iterate over the rates:I.E. consider the following example for Florida:Max Amount Rate5000 1%null 6%null 1% (a fake locality tax for this demo) 第一个5000美元将被征收8%的总税。我计算每个等级的税额,并创建税收范围:the first $5000 will be taxed as 8% total. I work out the amount each 'tier' is taxed and and create the tax bands as so:Max Amount Rate5000 8%null 7% (rates with the same maxamount are aggregates) 我现在可以告诉频段门限:I can now tell the band threshold:Rate Threshold Before Tax8% 5400 50007% decimal.MaxValue null 所以我现在可以遍历此列表以查找实际的税额。 假设我们有2700美元。这不高于第一个税阶段,因此所有税率均为8%。 2700 / 1.08 = $ 2500 10000:超过5400,因此5400的税率为8%: 4600:这是在下一个乐队因此所有的税都是7% = 5000 +(4600 / 1.07) 它有效但很笨重。so I can now iterate through this list to find the actual tax amount.Say we have $2700. This is not higher than the first tax band so it it all taxed at 8%. 2700 / 1.08 = $250010000: This is over 5400 so 5400 is taxed at 8%: 4600: this is within the next band so all is taxed at 7%= 5000 + (4600 / 1.07)It works but it very clunky.推荐答案 5000 从价格中计算税收很容易:5000It's easy to work out the tax from the price:var total = taxRates.sum(t=>t.rate * Math.Min(t.MaxAmount??Price, Price)) 这适用于所有税率和类型。例如,英国的税收。 TaxRates列表中只有1个税率,MaxAmount将为null。 他是个问题。我有包含税的金额,我必须想出一个通用的计算Price ex的方法。税。 任何想法? 我尝试过: 我目前计算出费率的门槛并迭代费率: IE考虑以下佛罗里达州的例子:This works with all tax rates and types. UK tax for eg. will only have 1 tax rate in the TaxRates list and the MaxAmount will be null.He's the issue. I have the amount including tax and I have to come up with a one-size-fits-all method of calculating the Price ex. Tax.Any ideas?What I have tried:I currently work out the threshold of the rate and iterate over the rates:I.E. consider the following example for Florida:Max Amount Rate5000 1%null 6%null 1% (a fake locality tax for this demo) 第一个the first 5000将被征收8%的总税。我计算每个等级的税额,并创建税收范围:5000 will be taxed as 8% total. I work out the amount each 'tier' is taxed and and create the tax bands as so:Max Amount Rate5000 8%null 7% (rates with the same maxamount are aggregates) 我现在可以告诉频段门限:I can now tell the band threshold:Rate Threshold Before Tax8% 5400 50007% decimal.MaxValue null 所以我现在可以遍历此列表以查找实际的税额。 假设我们有so I can now iterate through this list to find the actual tax amount.Say we have 2700。这不高于第一个税阶段,因此所有税率均为8%。 2700 / 1.08 =2700. This is not higher than the first tax band so it it all taxed at 8%. 2700 / 1.08 = 这篇关于如何从价格+税收中计算出金额?的文章就介绍到这了,希望我们推荐的答案对大家有所帮助,也希望大家多多支持! 上岸,阿里云!