本文介绍了返回找到的对象计数的处理方法,对大家解决问题具有一定的参考价值,需要的朋友们下面随着小编来一起学习吧! 问题描述 我有存储json对象的txt文件 [{id:2 , 姓名: 艾哈迈德, 部门:2},{ ID:3 名称: 穆罕默德, 部门:2},{ ID:4 名称:马哈茂德 部门:3},{ ID:5 名称: 苏海南, 部门: 2},{ ID:6中, 名称: 莫纳,部门 : 1 },{ ID :7, 名称 : 纳迪亚, 部门: 2},{ ID:8中, 名称: 萨拉, 部门 : 1},{ ID:9 名称: 脉, 部门: 0},{ ID:10, 名称: 纳斯尔, 部门: 1 },{ ID :11, 姓名 : 阿拉, 部门: 3},{ ID:12, 名称: 穆巴拉克, 部门: 2 } 代码 函数empPerDept(did){ var total = 0; $ .getJSON(test.txt,function(emps){ for(var i = 0; i < emps.length; i ++) { 如果 (emps [i] .dept = = did) { 总++; } } alert(total in + total); //返回 正确 结果 5 excutes 外部 总计 }); alert(total outside + total); // aways return 0 和 excutes 之前 内部 总计 } 问题 console.log 输出 undefined ,但是 count 5 里面 handler of getJson method 什么 问题 和 to solve 解决方案 .getJSON(test.txt,function(emps){ for(var i = 0; i < emps.length; i ++) { if (emps [i] .dept = = did) { total ++; } } alert(total inside + total); //返回 正确 结果 5 excutes 外部 总计 }); alert(总计 在 + total); // aways return 0 和 excutes before inside total } 问题 console.log outputs undefined ,但 count 5 inside handler getJson 方法 问题 和 如何 to solve 您的JSON字符串表示一个数组。与其他对象相比,数组有一个额外的功能:它们具有预定义属性 length : var length = emps.length; 更一般地说,为什么使用 .each 可以使代码比它更重。您可以简单地写一下: for ( var element in \\ temps) doSomethingWithElement(element); // 例如 -SA i have txt file that store json objects[{"id":2,"name":"ahmed","dept":2},{"id":3,"name":"Mohammed","dept":2},{"id":4,"name":"Mahmoud","dept":3},{"id":5,"name":"hanan","dept":"2"},{"id":6,"name":"mona","dept":"1"},{"id":7,"name":"nadia","dept":"2"},{"id":8,"name":"sara","dept":"1"},{"id":9,"name":"mai","dept":"0"},{"id":10,"name":"nasr","dept":"1"},{"id":11,"name":"alaa","dept":"3"},{"id":12,"name":"hosni","dept":"2"}]the code function empPerDept(did) { var total = 0; $.getJSON("test.txt", function (emps) { for (var i = 0; i < emps.length; i++) { if (emps[i].dept == did) { total++; } } alert("total inside" + total);//return correct result 5 excutes after outer total }); alert("total outside" + total);//aways return 0 and excutes before inside total }the problem is that console.log outputs undefined ,however count is 5 inside handler of getJson methodwhat is problem and how to solve 解决方案 .getJSON("test.txt", function (emps) { for (var i = 0; i < emps.length; i++) { if (emps[i].dept == did) { total++; } } alert("total inside" + total);//return correct result 5 excutes after outer total }); alert("total outside" + total);//aways return 0 and excutes before inside total }the problem is that console.log outputs undefined ,however count is 5 inside handler of getJson methodwhat is problem and how to solveYour JSON string represents an array. Arrays have one additional feature compared to other objects: they have predefined property length:var length = emps.length;More generally, it's not clear why using .each at all, to make the code heavier than it can be. You could simply write:for(var element in emps) doSomethingWithElement(element); // for example—SA 这篇关于返回找到的对象计数的文章就介绍到这了,希望我们推荐的答案对大家有所帮助,也希望大家多多支持!
10-30 03:15