1)小计= amount1 + amount2 + ... + amount(n)
2)total = total - discount
< form action =<?php echo用htmlspecialchars($ _ SERVER [ PHP_SELF]);?>中method =post> < H3>添加新购买< / h3> < div class =vali-form> < div class =col-md-3 form-group2 group-mail> < select required name =s_account> < option> - 选择帐户名称 - < / option> <?php while($ row = mysqli_fetch_array($ run)){echo'< option value =''。$ row ['acc_name']。'>'。$ row ['acc_name']。'< ; /选项>';}>?; < /选择> < / DIV> < div class =clearfix> < / DIV> < div class =col-md-4 form-group1 form-last> < label class =control-label>提醒< / label> < input type =textname =s_remplaceholder =required => < / DIV> < div class =col-md-4 form-group1 group-mail> < label class =control-label>发票日期< / label> < input type =datename =s_idateclass =form-control1 ng-invalid ng-invalid-requiredng-model =model.dateplaceholder =required => < / DIV> < div class =col-md-4 form-group1 group-mail> < label class =control-label>到期日期< / label> < input type =datename =s_ddateclass =form-control1 ng-invalid ng-invalid-requiredng-model =model.daterequired => < / DIV>< / DIV> < div class =clearfix> < / DIV> < div class =col-md-12 form-group1 form-last> < div class =table-responsive> < TABLE ID =tblPetsclass =table table-striped table-bordered table-hover>< tr> < th>中心>项目名称< / center>< / th> <的第i;<中心],[说明与LT; /中心],[< /第> <的第i;<中心],[。数量< /中心],[< /第> <的第i;<中心],[数< /中心],[< /第> <的第i;<中心],[度< /中心],[< /第> < th>< center>< INPUT TYPE =ButtononClick =addRow('tblPets')VALUE =Add Row>< / center>< / th> < / TR> < TR> < th>中心>< div class =col-md-12 form-group2 group-mail> < select name =i_name []> < option>选择< / option> <?php while($ row1 = mysqli_fetch_array($ run1)){echo'< option value =''。$ row1 ['itm_name']。'>'。$ row1 ['itm_name']。'< ; /选项>';}>?; < /选择> < DIV>< /中心],[< /第> < th>< center>< INPUT TYPE =textNAME =i_desc []PLACEHOLDER =DescriptionSIZE =30>< / center>< / th> < th>中心< INPUT TYPE =textNAME =i_qty []PLACEHOLDER =QTYID =qtyONINPUT =calculate(this)SIZE =30>< /中心],[< /第> < th>中心< INPUT TYPE =textNAME =i_rate []PLACEHOLDER =RateID =rateONINPUT =calculate(this)SIZE =30>< /中心],[< /第> < th>< center>< INPUT TYPE =textNAME =i_amnt []PLACEHOLDER =AmountID =amnt>< / center>< / th> <的第i;< /第> < / TR>< /表> < div class =clearfix> < / DIV> < div class =vali-form> < div class =col-md-6 form-group1 form-last> < label class =control-label>小计< / label> < input type =textname =s_stotalplaceholder =required => < / DIV> < div class =col-md-6 form-group1 form-last> < label class =control-label>折扣< / label> < input type =textname =s_discountplaceholder =required => < / DIV> < div class =col-md-6 form-group1 form-last> < label class =control-label> Total< / label> < input type =textname =s_totalplaceholder =required => < / DIV> < div class =col-md-6 form-group1 form-last> < label class =control-label>余额到期< / label> < input type =textname =s_baldplaceholder =required => < / DIV> < div class =clearfix> < / DIV> < / DIV> < div class =col-md-12 form-group> < button type =submitname =Submitclass =btn btn-primary>提交< / button> < button type =resetclass =btn btn-default>重设< / button> < / DIV> < div class =clearfix> < / DIV> < / DIV> < / form>
$(document).on('input','。Calc',function(){// Reset Totalvar Total = 0; $ ('.Inputs')。each(function(){// Reset Price.var Price = 0; // Reset Decution.var Deduction = 0; // Price x QuantityPrice = parseFloat($(this).find(。 ().val())* parseFloat($(this).find(。Price).val()); var Percent = parseFloat($(this).find(。Disc).val() ); //如果折扣大于0,则扣除if(Percent> 0){//计算折扣价格百分比//例300 * 40/100 = 120扣除=价格*百分比/ 100; //价格=价格扣除;} //总计,将价格添加到现有TotalTotal =总价+价格; //显示价格和储蓄£(this).find($ (& pound;'+ Price +'< small>(Save& pound;'+ Deduction +')< / small>');}); // Display New Total。 '#合计')。HTML ('Sub Total& pound;'+ Total);}); // --------- Clone / Append(Demo Use)$('#More')。on('click',function ){//这用于显示即使元素是动态的,也可以运行这些函数。 //(这很杂乱,但它表明它的工作原理)var target = document.getElementById('MyForm'); var tr = document.createElement('tr'); tr.setAttribute('class','Inputs'); //编辑这个target.appendChild(tr); var td1 = document.createElement('td'); tr.appendChild(td1); td1.innerHTML ='Qty'; var td2 = document.createElement('td'); tr.appendChild(td2); td2.innerHTML ='& pound;'; var td3 = document.createElement('td'); tr.appendChild(td3); //添加输入。 td3.innerHTML ='Discount:'; var QTY = document.createElement('input'); var PRICE = document.createElement('input'); var DISC = document.createElement('input'); QTY.setAttribute('type','text'); QTY.setAttribute('class','Qty Calc'); QTY.setAttribute('value',1); PRICE.setAttribute('type','text') ; PRICE.setAttribute('class','Price Calc'); PRICE.setAttribute('value',0); DISC.setAttribute('type','text'); DISC.setAttribute('class','Disc Calc '); DISC.setAttribute('value',0); td1.appendChild(QTY); td2.appendChild(PRICE); td3.appendChild(DISC); td3.innerHTML = td3.innerHTML +'%< span>< / span>;});/ * CSS for演示使用。 * /数量{宽度:30像素;}价格{宽度:70像素;}。光盘{宽度:30像素;}跨度{颜色:红;字型重量:粗体;} < script src =https://ajax.googleapis.com/ajax/libs/jquery/1.11 .1 / jquery.min.js>< / script>< button id =More> Add< / button>< table id =MyForm>< tr class =Inputs> ; < td> Qty< input type =textclass =Qty Calcvalue =1/>< / td> < TD> & pound;< input type =textclass =Price Calcvalue =0/>< / td>< td>折扣:< input type =textclass =Disc Calcvalue =0/>%< span>< / span>< / td>< / tr>< / table>< ; span id =Total>< / span>
$ b
$ b
I want to calculate subtotal and total for my form
i tried some javascripts but dident worked for me
some of them were only for static table since i am adding dynamic rows they were not helpfull
can any one help me to add script
formula1) subtotal = amount1+ amount2+...+ amount(n)2) total = total - discount
here are my codes
function calculateSubTotal() { var SubTotal = +amnt.value + +amnt.value; document.getElementById("sub_total").value = isNaN(SubTotal) ? 0 : SubTotal; } document.getElementById("amnt").onchange = calculateSubTotal; document.getElementById("amnt").onkeyup = calculateSubTotal; function calculate(elm) { var tr = elm; while ((tr = tr.parentElement) && tr.tagName !== 'TR'); var inputs = tr.querySelectorAll('input,select'); var myBox1 = inputs[2].value; var myBox2 = inputs[3].value; var myResult = myBox1 * myBox2; inputs[4].value = myResult; } var count = "1"; function addRow(in_tbl_name) { var tbody = document.getElementById(in_tbl_name).getElementsByTagName("TBODY")[0]; // create row var row = document.createElement("TR"); // create table cell 1 var td1 = document.createElement("TD") var strHtml1 = "<INPUT TYPE=\"text\" NAME=\"i_name[]\" PLACEHOLDER=\"Name\" SIZE=\"30\">"; td1.innerHTML = strHtml1.replace(/!count!/g,count); // create table cell 2 var td2 = document.createElement("TD") var strHtml2 = "<INPUT TYPE=\"text\" NAME=\"i_desc[]\" PLACEHOLDER=\"Description\" SIZE=\"30\">"; td2.innerHTML = strHtml2.replace(/!count!/g,count); // create table cell 3 var td3 = document.createElement("TD") var strHtml3 = "<INPUT TYPE=\"text\" NAME=\"i_qty[]\" PLACEHOLDER=\"QTY\" ID=\"qty\" ONINPUT=\"calculate(this)\" SIZE=\"30\">"; td3.innerHTML = strHtml3.replace(/!count!/g,count); // create table cell 4 var td4 = document.createElement("TD") var strHtml4 = "<INPUT TYPE=\"text\" NAME=\"i_rate[]\" PLACEHOLDER=\"Rate\" ID=\"rate\" ONINPUT=\"calculate(this)\" SIZE=\"30\">"; td4.innerHTML = strHtml4.replace(/!count!/g,count); // create table cell 5 var td5 = document.createElement("TD") var strHtml5 = "<INPUT TYPE=\"text\" NAME=\"i_amnt[]\" PLACEHOLDER=\"Amount\" ID=\"amnt\" >"; td5.innerHTML = strHtml5.replace(/!count!/g,count); // create table cell 4 var td6 = document.createElement("TD") var strHtml6 = "<INPUT TYPE=\"Button\" CLASS=\"Button\" onClick=\"delRow()\" VALUE=\"Delete Row\">"; td6.innerHTML = strHtml6.replace(/!count!/g,count); // append data to row row.appendChild(td1); row.appendChild(td2); row.appendChild(td3); row.appendChild(td4); row.appendChild(td5); row.appendChild(td6); // add to count variable count = parseInt(count) + 1; // append row to table tbody.appendChild(row); } function delRow() { var current = window.event.srcElement; //here we will delete the line while ( (current = current.parentElement) && current.tagName !="TR"); current.parentElement.removeChild(current); }
<form action="<?php echo htmlspecialchars($_SERVER["PHP_SELF"]);?>" method="post" > <h3> Add New Purchase</h3> <div class="vali-form"> <div class="col-md-3 form-group2 group-mail"> <select required name="s_account"> <option >--Select Account Name--</option> <?php while ($row = mysqli_fetch_array($run)) { echo '<option value="'.$row['acc_name'].'">'.$row['acc_name'].'</option>';}?> </select> </div> <div class="clearfix"> </div> <div class="col-md-4 form-group1 form-last"> <label class="control-label">Reminder</label> <input type="text" name="s_rem" placeholder="" required=""> </div> <div class="col-md-4 form-group1 group-mail"> <label class="control-label">Invoice Date</label> <input type="date" name="s_idate" class="form-control1 ng-invalid ng-invalid-required" ng-model="model.date" placeholder="" required=""> </div> <div class="col-md-4 form-group1 group-mail"> <label class="control-label ">Due Date</label> <input type="date" name="s_ddate" class="form-control1 ng-invalid ng-invalid-required" ng-model="model.date" required=""> </div></div> <div class="clearfix"> </div> <div class="col-md-12 form-group1 form-last"> <div class="table-responsive"> <TABLE ID="tblPets" class="table table-striped table-bordered table-hover"> <tr> <th><center>Item Name</center></th> <th><center>Description</center></th> <th><center>Qty.</center></th> <th><center>Rate</center></th> <th><center>Amount</center></th> <th><center><INPUT TYPE="Button" onClick="addRow('tblPets')" VALUE="Add Row"></center></th> </tr> <tr> <th><center><div class="col-md-12 form-group2 group-mail"> <select name="i_name[]"> <option >Select</option> <?php while ($row1 = mysqli_fetch_array($run1)) { echo '<option value="'.$row1['itm_name'].'">'.$row1['itm_name'].'</option>';}?> </select> <div></center></th> <th><center><INPUT TYPE="text" NAME="i_desc[]" PLACEHOLDER="Description" SIZE="30"></center></th> <th><center><INPUT TYPE="text" NAME="i_qty[]" PLACEHOLDER="QTY" ID="qty" ONINPUT="calculate(this)" SIZE="30"></center></th> <th><center><INPUT TYPE="text" NAME="i_rate[]" PLACEHOLDER="Rate" ID="rate" ONINPUT="calculate(this)" SIZE="30"></center></th> <th><center><INPUT TYPE="text" NAME="i_amnt[]" PLACEHOLDER="Amount" ID="amnt" ></center></th> <th></th> </tr> </TABLE> <div class="clearfix"> </div> <div class="vali-form"> <div class="col-md-6 form-group1 form-last"> <label class="control-label">Subtotal</label> <input type="text" name="s_stotal" placeholder="" required=""> </div> <div class="col-md-6 form-group1 form-last"> <label class="control-label">Discount</label> <input type="text" name="s_discount" placeholder="" required=""> </div> <div class="col-md-6 form-group1 form-last"> <label class="control-label">Total</label> <input type="text" name="s_total" placeholder="" required=""> </div> <div class="col-md-6 form-group1 form-last"> <label class="control-label">Balance Due</label> <input type="text" name="s_bald" placeholder="" required=""> </div> <div class="clearfix"> </div> </div> <div class="col-md-12 form-group"> <button type="submit" name="Submit" class="btn btn-primary">Submit</button> <button type="reset" class="btn btn-default">Reset</button> </div> <div class="clearfix"> </div> </div> </form>
A little something I put together after reading your issue. This still needs plenty of work doing to it but this should get you on the right lines.
I have added comments within the source code to explain step by step.
Discount will be deducted as a percent of the price.
$(document).on('input','.Calc',function(){ // Reset Total var Total=0; $('.Inputs').each(function(){ // Reset Price. var Price=0; // Reset Decution. var Deduction=0; // Price x Quantity Price=parseFloat($(this).find(".Qty").val())*parseFloat($(this).find(".Price").val()); var Percent=parseFloat($(this).find(".Disc").val()); // If Discount is greater than 0 make deductions. if(Percent>0){ // Calculate the discount Percent of the Price. // Example 300*40/100 = 120 Deduction=Price*Percent/100; // Minus discount from the price. Price=Price-Deduction; } // Sub total, add Price to existing Total Total=Total+Price; // Display Price and savings "£0 (Save £0)" $(this).find("span").html('£'+Price+' <small>(Save £'+Deduction+')</small>'); }); // Display New Total. $('#Total').html('Sub Total £'+Total); }); //--------- Clone / Append (Demo Use) $('#More').on('click',function(){ // This is used to show you can run the functions even if the elements are dynamic. // (This is very messy but it shows that it works) var target = document.getElementById('MyForm'); var tr = document.createElement('tr'); tr.setAttribute('class', 'Inputs'); // Edit this target.appendChild(tr); var td1 = document.createElement('td'); tr.appendChild(td1); td1.innerHTML='Qty'; var td2 = document.createElement('td'); tr.appendChild(td2); td2.innerHTML='£'; var td3= document.createElement('td'); tr.appendChild(td3); // Add inputs. td3.innerHTML='Discount:'; var QTY = document.createElement('input'); var PRICE = document.createElement('input'); var DISC = document.createElement('input'); QTY.setAttribute('type','text'); QTY.setAttribute('class','Qty Calc'); QTY.setAttribute('value',1); PRICE.setAttribute('type','text'); PRICE.setAttribute('class','Price Calc'); PRICE.setAttribute('value',0); DISC.setAttribute('type','text'); DISC.setAttribute('class','Disc Calc'); DISC.setAttribute('value',0); td1.appendChild(QTY); td2.appendChild(PRICE); td3.appendChild(DISC); td3.innerHTML=td3.innerHTML+'% <span></span>'; });
/* CSS for Demo Use. */ .Qty{width:30px;} .Price{width:70px;} .Disc{width:30px;} span{color:red;font-weight:bold;}
<script src="https://ajax.googleapis.com/ajax/libs/jquery/1.11.1/jquery.min.js"></script> <button id="More">Add</button> <table id="MyForm"> <tr class="Inputs"> <td>Qty<input type="text" class="Qty Calc" value="1"/></td> <td> £<input type="text" class="Price Calc" value="0"/></td> <td> Discount:<input type="text" class="Disc Calc" value="0"/>% <span></span></td> </tr> </table> <span id="Total"></span>
If you have any questions about the source code above please leave a comment below and I will reply as soon as possible.
I hope this helps. Happy coding!
This is using jQuery