当我 git checkout< revision> ,那么这会将整个项目返回到它的状态,还是只重新创建那个特定修订版中更改的文件?
例如:如果我的文件夹除了.git repo和I git checkout master
$ b 当我 git checkout< revision>
时,它是否会将整个项目返回到当时的状态,或者它只是重新创建更改的文件如果您的工作树和 > staging区域是完全空的(当然除了 .git
git checkout< revision>
那么您的工作树和临时区域将完美地反映出特定 git checkout
- 结帐没有问题,Git可以在没有打击的情况下执行eyelid:将特定修订版的内容复制到工作树中(如果需要,则覆盖已存在的内容)。或
- 结账,如果执行结账,将导致本地变更的损失;因此,Git(假设您没有使用
- 更复杂的情况可能出现在只有部分检出的东西中,并且一些本地未提交的更改会保留在您的工作树和/或索引中。关于这种情况的更多细节可以在我对。
Newb question, I want to make sure I understand this.
When I git checkout <revision>
, does this return the entire project to its state at that moment, or does it only recreate the files changed in that particular revision?
For example: If my folder was completely empty besides the .git repo, and I git checkout master
, will the resulting files be the project in its entirety, or only the files changed in the most recent commit?
I ask, because I am checking out my project at various points (starting from the beginning), and instead of the project slowly growing in size as one would expect, the size of each checkout is varying quite a lot.
If your working tree and staging area are completely empty (besides the .git
subdirectory, of course) and you run
git checkout <revision>
then your working tree and staging area will perfectly reflect the contents of that particular revision.
On the other hand, if your working tree is not empty when you run git checkout
, what happens is much more subtle, and may be broken down into three cases:
- The checkout is not problematic and Git carries it out without batting an eyelid: the contents of that particular revision get copied to your working tree (and overwrite stuff already present there, if needed). Or
- The checkout, if it were carried out, would result in a loss of local changes; therefore, Git (under the assumption that you didn't use the
flag) tells you off and aborts the checkout. Or - A more complicated situation may arise in which stuff is only partially checked out, and some local, uncommitted changes are kept in your working tree and/or index. More details about that situation can be found in my answer to Why are unstaged changes still present after checking out a different branch?.
Are you taking into account untracked files? Did you commit, then later remove large files? On the basis of the information given in your question alone, we can do little more than hypothesize about the reason why the size varies a lot.
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