

每当新电子邮件到达收件箱时,我都希望运行处理功能.我正在查看 https://developers.google.com/apps-script /guides/triggers/events .我没有看到在收到电子邮件时触发事件的方法.我想念什么吗?

I would like to run a processing function whenever a new email arrives in my inbox. I'm looking at https://developers.google.com/apps-script/guides/triggers/events . I don't see a way to trigger an event when an email arrives. Am I missing something?



There are no email-based triggers in Apps Script, as Serge insas said. As an imperfect workaround, you can run a script every 5 minutes and process the messages that arrived within the latest interval. Here is an example, based on this post:

function checkEmail() {
  var interval = 5;    //  if the script runs every 5 minutes; change otherwise
  var date = new Date();
  var timeFrom = Math.floor(date.valueOf()/1000) - 60 * interval;
  var threads = GmailApp.search('is:inbox after:' + timeFrom);
  for (var i = 0; i < threads.length; i++) {
    threads[i].reply("This is auto-reply for demonstration; you probably want to do something else here.");


10-30 01:34