I've run into a bit of a dilemma.
I'm considering making a lite version of my app that will be for free but will run on iAds. The Lite version will therefore have different .xib files because I have to make room for those iAds.
So what's better, should I just make some more .xib files in my project and then somehow programmatically load them. Or should I just create a completely new project (copy & paste my old directory) and create the lite version?
绝对不要分叉。你会后悔很长时间,因为你必须合并几乎每个项目的提交。 (并且XIB文件无法合并...)
Definitely don't fork it. You will regret it big time down the road as you'll have to merge virtually every commit across projects. (And XIB files can't be merged...)
I don't even know if you necessarily need to create additional XIB files. You could probably just conditionally resize/hide the necessary views in code. But even if you have to create additional XIB files, it doesn't compare to the pain you'll go through from forking.