
本文介绍了在PHP中包含asp的处理方法,对大家解决问题具有一定的参考价值,需要的朋友们下面随着小编来一起学习吧! 问题描述 29岁程序员,3月因学历无情被辞! 您好, 我正在用PHP编写购物车程序。我们的suplliers网站 网页我用ASP编写。他有关于他的产品的非常详细的信息, 我想要包含在我的PHP页面中,我使用include,require,readfile,甚至 一些叫做史努比的东西,但是我尝试的一切,我似乎无法获得文件中包含的图像。我只是将十字架放入正方形, 就像插入一张不存在的图像一样。 任何人都可以帮我这个拜托?Hello,I''m writing a shoppingcart program in PHP. The website of our supllierswebpage i written in ASP. He has very detailed info about his products, thatI want to include in my PHP page, I used include, require, readfile, evensomething called Snoopy, but with everything that I try, I can''t seem to getthe image inculed in the file. I just get the square with the cross in it,like when you insert an image that doesn''t exist.Can anyone help me with this please?推荐答案 如果您的供应商是' ASP脚本输出图像,你应该只需要使用纯HTML: < img src =''http:// www。 example.com/script.asp''alt =''Widget XYZ''> 如果您的供应商的ASP输出您想要处理的其他数据, 您应该能够向供应商的服务器发出HTTP请求 并解析输出。 如果您需要访问权限对于ASP源代码,你需要向你的 供应商询问它。 - David( @ priz.co.uk)If your supplier''s ASP script is outputting an image, you should justbe able to use plain HTML:<img src=''http://www.example.com/script.asp'' alt=''Widget XYZ''>If your supplier''s ASP outputs other data that you want to process,you should be able to make a HTTP request to your supplier''s serverand parse the output.If you need access to the ASP source code, you''ll need to ask yoursupplier for it.--David ( @priz.co.uk ) 这也不行,如果我在网页浏览器中使用网址,一切都很好,但是当我在我的网站上使用它时脚本它不会工作 如果您的供应商的ASP输出您想要处理的其他数据,您应该能够向供应商提出HTTP请求服务器并解析输出。 如果我是正确的包含(''url.asp'');对此页面发出HTTP请求, 但它不会输出图像 我读到了一些关于使用header()的内容;但是我没有发现究竟是怎么回事使用它,或者更具体地说,我应该如何解析发送回来的html。 如果你需要访问权限ASP源代码,你需要问你的供应商。 - 大卫(@ priz.co.uk)That won''t work either, if i usethe url in a webbrowser and everything isfine, but when i use it in my script it won''t work If your supplier''s ASP outputs other data that you want to process, you should be able to make a HTTP request to your supplier''s server and parse the output.if I''m correct include (''url.asp''); does an HTTP request to this page,but it won''t output the imageI read something about using header(); but I didn''t found out how exactly touse it, or more specific, how i should parse the html that is sent back. If you need access to the ASP source code, you''ll need to ask your supplier for it. -- David ( @priz.co.uk ) 这篇关于在PHP中包含asp的文章就介绍到这了,希望我们推荐的答案对大家有所帮助,也希望大家多多支持! 上岸,阿里云!
05-29 07:04