我正在将一个ASP.NET 5 RC1项目迁移到ASP.NET Core,并且遇到了一个我尚未发现或找到解决方案的有趣问题.
I am migrating a ASP.NET 5 RC1 project to ASP.NET Core, and have come across an interesting issue I've not yet seen, or found a solution for.
In order to use configuration settings within Startup I have previously retrived the configuration the following way
// Works fine for DI both in ASP.NET 5 RC1 and ASP.NET Core
// How I previous retrieved the configuration for use in startup.
// No longer available in ASP.NET Core
var someConfigurationToUseLater = Configuration.Get<SomeConfigurationClass>("SomeConfigurationSection");
更新到ASP.NET Core 1.0后,似乎Configuration.Get< T>()不再可用.
After updating to ASP.NET Core 1.0 it seems Configuration.Get<T>() is no longer available.
我尝试更新代码以使用Configuration.GetValue< T>(),但是这似乎不适用于对象,并且仅在提供值的路径时才有效.这样就为我的配置类的 most 提供了一种变通方法,例如
I have tried updating the code to use Configuration.GetValue<T>() however this does not seem to work with objects and will only work when providing a path to a value. This has left me with a workaround for most of my configuration classes like so
var someConfigurationName = "someConfiguration";
var someConfigurationClass = new SomeConfigurationClass()
Value1 = Configuration.GetValue<string>($"{someConfigurationName}:value1"),
Foo = Configuration.GetValue<string>($"{someConfigurationName}:foo"),
Bar = Configuration.GetValue<string>($"{someConfigurationName}:bar")
However this is an issue when the configuration class contains an array of objects. In my case an array of Client objects
public class ClientConfiguration
public Client[] Clients { get; set; }
"configuredClients": {
"clients": [
"clientName": "Client1",
"clientId": "Client1"
"clientName": "Client2",
"clientId": "Client2"
以前该位置绑定到我的配置类的Clients属性没有问题,但我再也找不到在ASP.NET Core 1.0中做到这一点的方法
Where this would previously bind to the Clients property of my configuration class no problem, I can no longer find a way of doing so in ASP.NET Core 1.0
对于ASP Core 1.1.0,通用模型绑定现在使用Get
Updated Answer
For ASP Core 1.1.0 generic model binding is now done using Get
var config = Configuration.GetSection("configuredClients").Get<ClientConfiguration>();
Original Answer
How about this:
var config = Configuration.GetSection("configuredClients").Bind<ClientConfiguration>();
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