

来自Java API文档:

From the Java API doc:

不是守护程序线程的所有线程都已死亡,或者通过返回 从对run方法的调用或引发异常 传播到run方法之外.

All threads that are not daemon threads have died, either by returning from the call to the run method or by throwing an exception that propagates beyond the run method.


I hope my assumption is correct that once thread finishes its run() method it becomes eligible for garbage collection. In the same context I am just curious to know about:

  1. 如果返回后仍不符合垃圾收集的条件从run()中,是否应该将其引用设置为null?
  2. 符合垃圾收集条件并不一定意味着该对象将从内存中删除.这是全权酌情决定的底层操作系统/JVM进行垃圾回收时.但是如何才能(通过Java程序或外部工具)确保从中完全删除了对象记忆吗?
  3. 如果说线程在完成其run()方法后就死了,那为什么我仍然可以在isAlive()getState()上执行同一线程对象?这两个调用都返回falseRUNNABLE分别.
  1. If it doesn't become eligible for garbage collection after returningfrom run(), should one set its reference to null to do that?
  2. Being eligible for garbage collection doesn't necessarily mean thatthe object will be removed from memory. It is at the sole discretion ofthe underlying operating system / JVM when it is garbage collected.But how can one make sure (either through a Java program or external tool) that the object is completely removed fromthe memory?
  3. If a thread is said to be dead once it finishes its run() method, whycan I still be able to execute isAlive() or getState() on thesame thread object? Both the calls return false and RUNNABLErespectively.



The Thread class is a proxy for the real thread which is in native memory.


There is actually a bit of code after run(), this code handles uncaught exceptions.


Once the thread dies its native memory and stack are freed immediately without needing a GC. However, the Thread object is like any other object and it lives until it is GC has decided it can be free e.g. there is no strong reference to it.


Similarly, a FileOutputStream is a proxy for a file in the operating system. You can still have a reference to the object even after the file has been close() or even deleted.


You rarely need to do this anywhere. In fact it is often simpler not keep a reference to the thread in the first place, or to use an ExecutorService to manage your threads.


When I have an object which has a Thread field I often have this object die when the thread dies, thus the field doesn't need to be nulled out.


I also use the built in thread pool used for Fork/Join. This is a more light weight way to perform tasks in a background thread as it doesn't create and destroy threads so much.

ExecutorService fjp = ForkJoinPool.commonPool();

您不能,而且一般不应该尝试. GC将在需要时清理资源.

You can't and generally shouldn't try. The GC will clean up resources when it needs to.


The thread object is like any other object. You can call methods on it for as long as you hold a reference to it.


09-05 19:52