


I'm using a MEAN stack and writing these methods in Mongoose. I'm wondering what's wrong with what I put in the Mongoose model file. I would like to use Mongoose to simply print out a list all the documents in the myModel collection.

myModel.methods.myMethod = function(cb){
  this.model("Bids").find({}, 'myField', function(err, results){
    if (err){console.log(err);return err;}


Also, what is the code that I can write in Mongoose to tell if the myModel collection is empty or not?

教一个男人如何钓鱼比给他一条鱼更好.. 。

It's better to teach a man how to fish than to give him a fish ...

因此,如果您可以建议我可以安装哪些调试工具(例如Express中间件)可以帮助我自我调试,那将非常有用。 。

So it would be extremely helpful if you can suggest what debugging tools I can install, such as an Express middleware, that can help me debug myself. Please post your debugging suggestions here.



I'm assuming every other setup required for mongoose is correct.


At the line below, I think 'myField' is not needed.

  this.model("Bids").find({}, 'myField', function(err, results)


Here is something more from scratch, maybe it would help you to trace-back you steps:

 var mongoose = require('mongoose');

    //connection to Mongodb instance running on=======
    //local machine or anywhere=========================
    var uri = 'mongodb://localhost:27017/test';
    var connection = mongoose.createConnection(uri);

    //Define Schema==================================
    var Schema = mongoose.Schema;
    var BlogPostSchema = new Schema({
      author: { type: Schema.Types.ObjectId },
      title: String,
      body: String

    //Create model===================================================
    var BlogPostModel = connection.model('BlogPost', BlogPostSchema);

    //function to insert doc into model NOTE "pass in your =======
    //callback or do away with it if you don't need one"=========
    var insertBlogPost = function (doc, callback) {

      //here is where or doc is converted to mongoose object
      var newblogPost = new BlogPostModel(doc);

      //save to db
      newblogPost.save(function (err) {

        assert.equal(null, err);

        //invoke your call back if any
        console.log("saved successfully");

    //function to get all BlogPosts====================================
    var getAllBlogPosts = function (callback) {

    //mongoose get all docs. I think here answers your question directly
      BlogPostModel.find(function (err, results) {
        assert.equal(null, err);

        //invoke callback with your mongoose returned result

    //you can add as many functions as you need.

    //Put all of your methods in a single object interface
    //and expose this object using module.

    var BlogPostManager = {
        insertBlogPost: insertBlogPost,
        getAllBlogPosts : getAllBlogPosts

    module.exports = BlogPostManager;


08-24 18:27