


I've come across a somehow weird (or just not expected?) behaviour of the function seq.When creating a simple sequence some values cannot be matched correctly with the == operator.See this minimal example:

my.seq <- seq(0, 0.4, len = 5)
table(my.seq)                  # ok! returns  0 0.1 0.2 0.3 0.4
                               #              1   1   1   1   1

which(my.seq == 0.2)           # ok! returns  3
which(my.seq == 0.3)           # !!! returns  integer(0)


When creating my sequence manually, it seems to work, though:

my.seq2 <- c(0.00, 0.10, 0.20, 0.30, 0.40)

which(my.seq2 == 0.3)           # ok! returns  4

您对此有何解释?我使用which(round(my.seq, 2) == 0.3)解决了问题,但我对引起问题的原因感兴趣.

Do you have any explanation for that? I solved the issue by using which(round(my.seq, 2) == 0.3) but I would be interested in what's causing the problem.




Computers just don't represent floating point numbers well. The general tendencies of spreadsheets to hide this has, as the primary way most people deal with numbers on computers, lead to many problems.

永远不要与精确的浮点值匹配. R中有处理此问题的函数(例如all.equal),但我更喜欢以下内容.

Never match against exact floating point values. There are functions in R to deal with this (e.g. all.equal) but I prefer the following.


Say you have an unknown floating point variable A and you want to see if it is equal to 0.5.

abs(A - 0.5) < tol

将公差设置为您需要的接近度0.5.例如,tol <- 0.0001对您可能很好.

Set tolerance to how close you need it to 0.5. For example, tol <- 0.0001 might be fine for you.


If your values look like they should be integers just round. Or, if you know the decimal level that you want to test to then you can round to that decimal level.


07-23 15:19