I have the following situation I need to handle in my code:
public class Class1 {
IRequester requester;
public Class1(Requester impl) {
requester = impl;
public List doSomething() {
requester.request1(); // sends messages to a set of nodes
//do some more local processing
list = requester.request2(); // sends some more messages and returns a list
return list;
在这种情况下,request1()向a发送请求节点集并返回一个结果,该结果将在本地用于更多处理,然后执行request2()并返回一个列表。这需要在doSomething()执行结束时返回。 request1()和request2()是通过类型为IRequester的请求者完成的。
In this case request1() sends a request to a set of nodes and returns a result which will be used locally for more processing, and then the request2() is made which returns a list. This needs to be returned at the end of execution of doSomething(). request1() and request2() are done through requester which is of type IRequester
public interface IRequester {
List request2();
Now request1() and request2() are implemented by the class which actually does the requests. This is the class that handles the communication between the nodes.
public NetworkManager implements IRequester {
request1() {
// Create an operation
// Add callback to the operation
// schedule operation
request2() {
Now, my issue is that when I implement request1() here in there I need to create a procedure which will send a message to the node. This procedure can have a callback attached. When the node responds it returns the result. How do I implement this such that it returns the result at the end of my request1?
自request1的返回类型以来,我该如何实现它以便在请求1的末尾返回结果? )是无效的,因此您无法从中返回价值。
Since the return type of request1() is void so you cannot return value from it .But in the implementation class of IRequester , you can pass a resultObject ,whenever the request1() method is execute it will store the result in the result Object, and when you need to get the result , you can get it from the ResultObject
class ResultObject{
getResult(); ///return result
setResult(); ///store result
public NetworkManager implements IRequester {
private ResultObject callBackResult;
public ResultObject getResult(){
return callBackResult;
public void setResult(ResultObject value){
request1() {
// Create an operation
// schedule operation
request2() {
public class Main{
public static void main(String args){
IRequester r=new NetworkManger();
ResultObject res=new ResultObject();