As an assignment, I am trying to write the code for a lottery. I've run it a few times and for some reason, my loop only adds the same thing to my list box. Is it a problem with how I loop it? Or is it something else in my coding?
Private Sub btnTry_Click(sender As Object, e As EventArgs) Handles btnTry.Click
' Declare variables.
Dim intNum1 As Integer
Dim intNum2 As Integer
Dim intNum3 As Integer
Dim intNum4 As Integer
Dim intNum5 As Integer
Dim strUserNum1 As String
Dim strUserNum2 As String
Dim strUserNum3 As String
Dim strUserNum4 As String
Dim strUserNum5 As String
Dim blnCheck As Boolean = True
Dim rand1 As New Random
Dim intCompNum1 As Integer
Dim intCompNum2 As Integer
Dim intCompNum3 As Integer
Dim intCompNum4 As Integer
Dim intCompNum5 As Integer
Dim strCompNum As String
Dim intCount As Integer
Dim strResult As String
' Convert the user's numbers and error check for repetition.
Integer.TryParse(txtNum1.Text, intNum1)
Integer.TryParse(txtNum2.Text, intNum2)
Integer.TryParse(txtNum3.Text, intNum3)
Integer.TryParse(txtNum4.Text, intNum4)
Integer.TryParse(txtNum5.Text, intNum5)
If intNum1 = intNum2 Or intNum2 = intNum3 Or intNum3 = intNum4 Or
intNum4 = intNum5 Then
lblStatus.Text = "Remember to not enter the same number twice."
blnCheck = False
End If
' Have the computer generate random numbers.
intCompNum1 = rand1.Next(60) + 1
intCompNum2 = rand1.Next(60) + 1
intCompNum3 = rand1.Next(60) + 1
intCompNum4 = rand1.Next(60) + 1
intCompNum5 = rand1.Next(60) + 1
' Check to ensure random numbers are not the same.
If Not intCompNum1 = intCompNum2 And intCompNum2 = intCompNum3 And
intCompNum3 = intCompNum4 And intCompNum4 = intCompNum5 Then
blnCheck = True
blnCheck = False
intCompNum1 = rand1.Next(60) + 1
intCompNum2 = rand1.Next(60) + 1
intCompNum3 = rand1.Next(60) + 1
intCompNum4 = rand1.Next(60) + 1
intCompNum5 = rand1.Next(60) + 1
End If
Loop Until blnCheck = True
' Start building the output string and check for matching numbers.
For intCount = 1 To 10000
strUserNum1 = CStr(intNum1)
strUserNum2 = CStr(intNum2)
strUserNum3 = CStr(intNum3)
strUserNum4 = CStr(intNum4)
strUserNum5 = CStr(intNum5)
strCompNum = intCompNum1.ToString() & ", " & intCompNum2.ToString() &
", " & intCompNum3.ToString() & ", " & intCompNum4.ToString() &
", " & intCompNum5.ToString()
strResult = "Attempt " & intCount.ToString() & ": You matched "
If blnCheck = True Then
If strCompNum.IndexOf(strUserNum1) <> -1 Then
strResult &= intNum1.ToString() & ", "
End If
If strCompNum.IndexOf(strUserNum2) <> -1 Then
strResult &= intNum2.ToString() & ", "
End If
If strCompNum.IndexOf(strUserNum3) <> -1 Then
strResult &= intNum3.ToString() & ", "
End If
If strCompNum.IndexOf(strUserNum4) <> -1 Then
strResult &= intNum4.ToString() & ", "
End If
If strCompNum.IndexOf(strUserNum5) <> -1 Then
strResult &= intNum5.ToString
End If
' Add the input to the lstOutput box.
End If
End Sub
Dim balls As List(Of Integer) = Enumerable.Range(1, 49).ToList()
Then generate six random numbers from the list:
Dim balls As List(Of Integer) = Enumerable.Range(1, 49).ToList()
Dim winner As New List(Of Integer)()
For i As Integer = 0 To 5
Dim winBall As Integer = Random.[Next](0, balls.Count)
Becaue you use a list of all balls, and remove each one when it's selected, you are guaranteed not to get any repetitions.
Then all you have to do is sort the user input numbers, sort the winning ball numbers, and you can compare them very simply!
Make sense?