本文介绍了排序元组 Python的处理方法,对大家解决问题具有一定的参考价值,需要的朋友们下面随着小编来一起学习吧!


我的 Blender python 代码中有一个元组列表

I have a list of tuples in my Blender python code

scores=[(1489,"Sean"), (2850,"Bob"), (276,"Crap Player"), (78495, "Great Player"), (8473, "Damian"), (4860, "Andy"), (0, "Stephen")]


I'm trying to sort them by their score by using this

sorted(scores, key=lambda score: score[0], reverse=True)


but this is not working. I have no idea why. Any tips?

我考虑过也许更好的实现是创建一个新的 Score 类,其中包含字段 namescore

I've considered maybe a better implementation is to create a new Score class with fields name and score


sorted 方法没有给我任何错误,但没有排序.我使用了 sort() 并且它有效.

it was giving me no errors with the sorted method but was not sorting.I used the sort() and it works.

我认为 python 在 Blender 中可能有点奇怪?

I think python is just a little weird in Blender maybe?




print sorted(scores, reverse=True)
[(78495, 'Great Player'), (8473, 'Damian'), (4860, 'Andy'), (2850, 'Bob'), (1489, 'Sean'), (276, 'Crap Player'), (0, 'Stephen')]

如果你想就地排序,你可以使用 scores.sort(reverse=True),顺便说一下,在元组列表的情况下,排序函数默认按第一项排序,第二个项目..

you can use scores.sort(reverse=True) if you want to sort in place, and by the way the sort function in case of list of tuple by default sort by first item , second item ..

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07-18 16:43