


I have been using the Hough transform in my application both using Matlab and OpenCV/labview and found that for some images, the hough transform gave an obviously wrong line fit (consistently)


Here are the test and overlayed images. The angle seem right, but the rho is off.


On the image below, you will see the top image tries to fit a line to the left side of the original image and the bottom image fits a line to the right side of the image.


In Matlab, I call the Hough function through

[H1D,theta1D,rho1D] = hough(img_1D_dilate,'ThetaResolution',0.2);

在C ++中,我修剪了OpenCV HoughLines函数,因此最后只剩下了我们要填充累加器的部分.请注意,因为我的theta分辨率为0.2,所以我需要分析900个角度. tabSin和tabCos是在函数之前定义的,因此它们只是角度的正弦和余弦.

in C++, i trimmed the OpenCV HoughLines function so I end up with only the part we are filling the accumulator. Note that because my theta resolution is 0.2, I have 900 angles to analyze. The tabSin and tabCos are defined prior to the function so that they are just a sin and cos of the angle.


Note that these routines generally work well, but just for specific cases it performs the way I have shown.

double start_angle = 60.0;
    double end_angle = 120.0;
    double num_theta = 180;
    int start_ang = num_theta * start_angle/180;
    int end_ang = num_theta * end_angle/180;
    int i,j,n,index;
        for (i = 0;i<numrows;i++)
            for (j = 0;j<numcols;j++)
                    if (img[i*numcols + j] == 100)
                    for (n = 0;n<180;n++)
                        index = cvRound((j*tabCos[n] + i * tabSin[n])) + (numrho-1)/2;
                        accum[(n+1) * (numrho+2) + index+1]++;

TabCos和tabSin在Labview中使用以下代码定义int32我;float64 theta_prec;float64 tabSin [180];float64 tabCos [180];

TabCos and tabSin are defined in Labview with this codeint32 i;float64 theta_prec;float64 tabSin[180];float64 tabCos[180];

theta_prec = 1/180 * 3.14159;对于(i = 0; i <180; i ++){tabSin [i] = sin(i theta_prec);tabCos [i] = cos(i theta_prec);}

theta_prec = 1/180*3.14159;for (i = 0;i<180;i++){tabSin[i] = sin(itheta_prec);tabCos[i] = cos(itheta_prec);}




I guess i'll put down the answer to this problem.


I was converting the rho and theta into m and b, then computing the values of x and y from the m and b. I believe this may have caused some precision error somewhere.


this error was fixed by obtaining x and y directly from rho and theta rather than going through m and b.


y = -cos(theta)/sin(theta)*x + rho/sin(theta);


08-20 04:17