


There are many discussions about scoping, environments and functions already. See e.g. here or here. However, I am not sure I have found a good solution to the following problem:

 df <- data.frame(id=rep(LETTERS[1:2],each=2), x=1:4)
 d <- -1
 myfun <- function(df, d){
          new.dat <- ddply(df, .(id), transform, x=x*d)
 myfun(df, 1)

您可以轻松地验证是否使用了全局定义的 d = -1 ,而不是参数中提供的 d = 1 .(如果不存在全局定义的 d ,则返回找不到对象消息)现在最大的问题是:如何制作 d 函数的参数而不是全局定义的 d ?

You can easily verify that the globally defined d=-1 was used, instead of the d=1 as provided in the argument. (If no globally defined d exists, then a object not found message is returned) The big question is now: how do I make the d argument to the function used instead of the globally defined d?


I was under the impression that the following should work:

      myfun2 <- function(df, d){
          here <- environment()
          new.dat <- ddply(df, .(id), transform, x=x*with(here,d))
      myfun2(df, 1)

据我了解, with(此处为d)从环境 here 中检索对象 d .因此,结果应为 1 .但是返回错误,说

It is my understanding that with(here, d) retrieves the object d from the environment here. So, the result should be 1. An error is returned, though, saying

  Error in eval(substitute(expr), data, enclos = parent.frame()) :
   invalid 'envir' argument of type 'closure'

我不确定我为什么不能这样做,如果有人可以对此有所了解,或者您可以提供替代解决方案,我将非常高兴.请注意,将整个 ddply 语句包装到 with(...)中似乎也无济于事.

I am not sure I understand why this does not work, and I would be happy if anyone could shed some light on this, or if you could provide alternative solutions. Note that wrapping the entire ddply-statement into with(...) does not seem to help either.


A solution that does work is to attach the current environment inside the function:

 myfun3 <- function(df, d){
   here <- environment()
   new.dat <- ddply(df, .(id), transform, x=x*d)

但是我不喜欢这种解决方案,因为它可以通过用本地 d 屏蔽全局定义的 d 来工作,我认为这不是很优雅.

but I don't like this solution since it works by masking the globally defined d with the local d, which I think is not very elegant.


Any comments / pointers are appreciated.


要唤醒延迟评估并确保您使用的是本地 d 参数,请使用 force .添加此行:

To wake up the lazy evaluation and be sure that you are using the local d argument, use force. Add this line:

d <- force(d)

myfun 的开头.

好的,看来我误解了这个问题.在这种情况下,问题在于 ddply 具有非标准评估,并且在应用转换时仅在 df 内部查找变量,因此看不到本地d ,即使您 force .正如Hadley所指出的,您需要包装 transform 来插入对 here 的调用.

OK, it seems that I misunderstood the problem. In this case, the problem is that ddply has non-standard evaluation and only looks inside df for variables when applying transformations, so it doesn't see the local d even if you force it. As Hadley pointed out, a you need to wrap transform insdie a call to here.

myfun <- function(df, d){
      new.dat <- ddply(df, .(id), here(transform), x=x*d)

由于您对 require 返回 FALSE 的情况不做任何事情,因此应将其与 library 交换.
mutate 是 alternative to transform.
You don't need the explicit return.

myfun <- function(df, d){
      ddply(df, .(id), here(mutate), x=x*d)}


09-05 20:47